Doing a quick Google search on the music of Tabloid is a futile effort to say the least. Nothing can be found on this artist (these artists? Seriously, I have no idea who or what made this song). Aside from their tumblr, which more resembles brainwashing methods the Kardashians would have used in A Clockwork Orange, nothing is really known about the artist. The singular song speaks for itself.
“Voyeur” is a dark, but catchy number with anxiety filled lyrics and panicked rhythms. It has the beat of a Party Supplies song, but the vocals of something that Autre Ne Veut would be into. I have 80’s themed nightmares after listening to this song, but the weird thing is that I wake up wanting to have them again. Bravo Tabloid, whoever you are.
Keep a lookout for future content released by this interesting group/artist, but in the meantime get sucked into “Voyeur” and enjoy.
-Tom Silver