Category Archives: Blog Archives

Two new videos from the Rockies Project Source to Sea Journey are up on the Rockies YouTube channel!

We’ve just posted two new videos from Will and Zak up on the Rockies YouTube channel. The first details their journey from Flaming Gorge to Lodore Canyon, the second from Desolation Canyon to the Grand. Here’s the first video. For … Continue reading

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We have new photos from our field researchers paddling the Colorado!

We’ve just posted new photos to the Rockies Project Flickr page here: Here are some of the best from their time in the Grand Canyon: Will paddles through a side canyon of the Grand. Zak tackles some rapids in … Continue reading

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The Rockies Project Source to Sea trip continues south.

In the last few weeks our Rockies Project Field Researchers left the Grand Canyon, crossed Lake Mead, traveled over Hoover Dam and down through Black Canyon and have just crossed Lake Mohave. Up next is Lake Havasu and Parker Dam … Continue reading

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