8 more days

Nathalie and I at Eurotrash, it’s impossible to rotate the picture

Last week seemed a little bit shorter than usual. After three days of classes we attended a variety of very interesting workshops. Some were reading about German classical music, some discussing German art from during, between and after the World Wars and others were about philosophy, environment etc. I attended the Sustainability and Communication Strategies workshop.

It was certainly an eye-opening experience to see have a quick glance at this very specific niche of Sustainability and Environmental studies. With our instructor Gesa Lüdecke – a post-graduate student at University of Colorado Boulder – we talked about a slightly different take on Sustainability and Environmental awareness. Instead of focusing on big infrastructural projects, we focused on the personal perspectives that people often have and discussed how we can influence them. By the end of the workshop we created a sustainable strategy flyer and a poster for a potential campaign. It was absolutely cool! I also started really considering this specific branch and started entertaining the idea of continuing my post-grad education at her university in Germany – Leuphana University, Lüneberg.

For all of you interested environmental activists and German lovers, here is the link to the university’s website:


Then on Saturday we had a Eurotrash party. I don’t really have a way to describe it, but yes it happened, we danced for three or four hours and the Eurotrash dose we got will last us for a while.

By the end of the weekend we all started slowing down a little bit and it is getting increasingly difficult to focus. Everyone is giving their last bit these days and really feeling the laziness, but surely powering through the overwhelming amount of tests and deadlines  and looking forward to the end. However, as much as we awaiting the end, there are also only 8 days left until we are all away for good and then who knows how long until we see each other again. I will miss this bunch and I will look forward to reunions over good Deutsch beer somewhere in Germany.



Andrej Blazhevski

P.S. Forgive me for my poor English, please; it has gotten really sloppy over the last  six weeks.

The Party attracted even students from other Language Schools
Class was slow today, but the change of scenery was good

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