Jack Pottle ’77 was in a small hotel in Yangon, Myanmar, when he ran into classmate Tony Wall. The former cross-country teammates hadn’t seen each other in 37 years. They spent the next five days (along with their wives, Judy and Nancy) touring Bagan and Mandalay. Jack is a principal of JBC Capital Partners LLC in Denver, and Tony is executive vice president and general counsel of The Walking Company and Big Dog Sportswear in Santa Barbara, Calif. Read more at http://maptia.com/tonywall/stories/serendipity-in-burma.

While cruising through the Panama Canal in January, Ben Eastman ’63 P’93 ran into Mary Francis Koerner ’62 and the two friends reminisced about life at CC 50-plus years ago. Ben is a retired educator in Denver; Mary lives in Virginia and retired from Aviation Week & Space Technology.
Have you unexpectedly encountered a classmate somewhere in the world? Please send digital photos (JPGs at 300 dpi and minimum of 3×5.5 inches) to bulletin@coloradocollege.edu or good-quality prints at a similar size to Bulletin/Communications, 14 E. Cache La Poudre St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3294. Include complete information about the location and the date, and identify the people left to right.