Don’t let the long, languid days of summer fool you — Colorado College is a hoppin’ place in the summertime. On the CC campus this summer:
257/52/70 257 undergraduates, 52 pre-college students, and 70 MAT students enrolled in a total of 55 courses
20 weddings in Shove Memorial Chapel between Memorial Day and Labor Day
156 tours given by the Office of Admission
7.5 miles of materials, including books, periodicals, government documents, and other small collections moved from Tutt Library to the Creekside temporary storage facility (not end-to-end, but upright, as they would be on a bookshelf)
55 Bridge Scholars (approximately) arriving Aug. 7, two weeks prior to the start of New Student Orientation on Aug. 20
28 events held over three weeks during CC’s Summer Music Festival
93 children registered in nine weekly sessions at FunQuest, a summer day camp sponsored by the Cheryl Schlessman Bennett Children’s Center
60 plus construction workers daily on the Tutt Library renovation site
3 new gardens installed, featuring a total of 503 perennials, 55 shrubs, and five trees. Additionally, 104 shrubs were replaced, 1,482 annuals planted, and 103 trees were either planted or moved from one part of campus to another (note that trees are under the purview of Michael Spruce, of CC groundskeeping in facilities)
168/175 168 children in CC’s Department of Education’s Gifted and Talented program and 175 in its Whiz Bang Science program
451/708/503 An average of 451 people at breakfast, 708 at lunch, and 503 at dinner at Rastall Hall during summer conferences
4 trips focusing on our Sense of Place (rock climbing and rappelling, hiking, and two fly-fishing)
600 feet of construction fencing around the Tutt Library renovation site
17 conferences & camps with 2,930 participants and 8,700 nights booked; nearly 900 campers in summer sports camps alone
4 filming sessions on campus: “A Last Mural,” featuring the Eric Bransby ’47 mural in Cossitt Hall for public television; two filming sessions for “Hittin’ the Road” on Rocky Mountain PBS, the first a story on Professor Brian Linkhart’s owl research and another on the history of time featuring the sundial on the Van Briggle facilities building; and an NBC crew filming an interview with Travis Tygart, head of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, prior to the Rio Olympics.
50 cabinets with microforms and maps moved from Tutt Library to the Creekside facility
500 Gold Cards with the new CC logo issued by the Worner Information Desk