Sydney Murphy, center, holds a baby goat brought to her Caring for Critters class while classmate Amara McConnell, left, and Colorado College teacher Scott Purdy watch. Purdy, who is a CC Master of Arts in Teaching student, co-taught the class with Brittni Darras ’12 for the school’s Gifted and Talented summer program.

Emerald Green ’20 observes her test tube as she measures the correct amount of solution for a General Chemistry lab in Murphy Brasuel’s classroom.

Fiona Cerf ’18, left, and Hollis Schmidt ’18 react as classmate Nelson Kies ’18 places a second brick on their bridge during Scott Johnson’s class on function and design where students built bridges out of wood stir sticks and glue. The 3-D studio class did the lesson to reinforce their instruction on understanding the foundations of design as well as embracing the process of creating and letting go of an object once the creation is done.