

Vida B. Culvern passed away on Nov. 4, 2019, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at 106 years old.


Judy Harrell Johnson was the president of the Associated Women Students her senior year. She worked as a high school art teacher and for Continental Airlines as a cost accountant. Judy passed away peacefully in her home on Feb. 23, at 98 years old. She was preceded in death by her husband Dr. Melvin Johnson ’42 and is survived by three children, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.


Barbara Muelrath was born on Nov. 27, 1921, and died on Nov. 23, 2019, in Manhattan Beach, California. She was a Gamma Phi Beta and studied political science at CC.


Patricia Lee McCleery, 91, passed away May 4, in Cheyenne, Wyoming. She was a Delta Gamma and president of the “Tiger Club.” After her first husband died, she married her former college classmate, Richard “Mac” McCleery ’50, M.D. She worked for 25 years for the Legislative Service Office when the Wyoming Legislature was in session.


Helen “Joanne” Koets passed away on Feb. 5, at the age of 89 in Longmont, Colorado. Joanne was a history major at CC and worked as an elementary school teacher. She is survived by two sons and five grandchildren.

Edwina Mindheim was a Kappa Alpha Theta and on the Nugget staff at CC, majoring in English. She passed away at 88 on Oct. 2, 2017, in Santa Barbara, California.

Lois Irene McGovern was an administrative officer for the Douglas County (Kansas) Clerk’s Office. Lois had many talents and hobbies, including family camping, singing and playing piano, exceptional seamstress work, knitting, needlepoint, and gardening. Lois passed away on Jan. 1, in De Soto, Kansas. She was 90 years old and is survived by eight children, 21 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great-grandchildren.


Carroll Herbert Hill worked in the Nuclear Power Division of the Navy as a nuclear engineer and taught physics and math at Trident Technical College. At age 87, Carroll passed away on Jan. 9, in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. He leaves behind three sons, a daughter, six grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

John C. Parker, age 87, passed away on Dec. 28, 2019, in Beverly Hills, Michigan. John was a professionally trained singer, piano player, and bandleader. He practiced law and was a corporate lobbyist. He was a coach for youth baseball and football leagues. John is survived by wife Lorraine, daughter Madelyn Parker, and son Terence Parker.


Eugene F. “Rocky” Anderson passed away from a brain tumor on Feb. 11, in Wilmington, Delaware. Eugene had a football scholarship to CC and also ran track & field. He was an Army veteran and worked for DuPont his entire career. He won the Governor’s Volunteer Award for Education in 2003 for his work tutoring third graders in reading and math. He is survived by his wife, Sandra Anderson, their three children, and four grandchildren.


Marjorie Anderson was a Kappa Alpha Theta at CC. She worked for MIT’s Sloan School of Management and raised a family. Marjorie was a certified teacher with the National Guild of Pearl K. McGowan Hookrafters and taught rug hooking for more than 40 years. She died at 84 on July 7, 2019, in her home in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.


Howard Viger passed away on Jan. 28 in Houston, Texas. He was 88 years old. Howard married and then raised three children with his college sweetheart, JoAnn Viger ’57, who predeceased him. Howard was a hockey goalie at CC. He was also a veteran and worked for GSI and as regional vice president of Texas Instruments.

Jerome Schmidt passed away on Oct. 7, 2019, in Walton, Florida. He was a Phi Delta Theta, played men’s tennis and studied business administration at CC. He was 84.

Charles William Warren was a gifted musician and, after attending the U. S. Naval School of Music, served in the band of the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet. He was a professor of music and musicology at CC, Yale University, Eisenhower College, and at the College of Liberal Arts at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Charles died peacefully at age 88 on Feb. 13, in Rochester, New York.


Claralynn Lewis Barnes was a Delta Gamma for more than 50 years, homecoming queen, and valedictorian at CC. She traveled the world as a competitive figure skater for the United States. She also worked as a National Gymnastics judge and a history teacher. She and her husband, Air Force Officer John Brandon Barnes, had four children and six grandchildren. Claralynn passed away on Feb. 3, in Denton, Texas.

Adlai Rust was born on Jan. 10, 1936. He was a Phi Gamma Delta at CC. He served as president at Rust International Harvester Co. in Illinois before relocating to Vancouver, British Columbia. He died in 2019.

Barbara Wusich Young was a Kappa Alpha Theta at CC, serving as president in 1957. After raising her children, Barbara became a commercial insurance agent with the family-owned Statler Insurance and Real Estate Company. She was an avid volunteer, traveler, card player, and dog lover. Barbara passed away on Feb. 23, with her family by her side. She was 84.


Carole Anne Carlson Wolfswinkel fondly referred to CC as the “Harvard of the West” and was a proud Delta Gamma. Carole was a competitive ice skater and teacher as a girl and young woman. She worked many jobs until she found her passion as a nutritional counselor. Carole passed away on Feb. 10, at age 83 in Colorado Springs.

Roberta “Bobbie” Wiesner was born on Dec. 12, 1938, and lived to be 82, passing away from cancer on March 17, in Sacramento, California. Bobbie was active with the Gold River Villagers, the Pioneer Village board, watercolor painting, mahjong, and her book groups. She is survived by her husband, Donald, her daughters, and stepsons.


Glenna Goodacre died in Santa Fe, New Mexico on April 13, at 80 years old. She was a celebrated sculptor whose work included designing the front of the Sacagawea dollar, the Vietnam Women’s Memorial in Washington, D.C., and the Irish Memorial in Philadelphia. The Goodacre House in the East CC Campus is named after her and houses one of her sculptures of a corgi. She was given an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters by CC in 1994.

Sandy Hagerman Lillie was a music major and one of the longest-serving members of CC’s Tour Choir. Sandy was employed by IBM as the first woman to work in the slurry room for tape manufacturing and then as a programmer. At 55, she became an acupuncturist and founded the Institute of Taoist Education and Acupuncture in Colorado. She unexpectedly passed away on Jan. 15, in Boulder, Colorado.


Barry Wayne Harrison attended CC on a hockey scholarship. He practiced law in the areas of oil and gas, corporate finance, and securities law. Barry passed away after a short illness in Calgary, Alberta, on Feb. 13, at 80 years old. He is survived by his wife Linda Harrison, four children, and seven grandchildren.

John Kuglin lived from Aug. 9, 1941, to March 1, 2020, dying from a prolonged illness. John had a 40-year journalism career and was a former Associated Press bureau chief for Montana and Wyoming. John started the Montana Freedom of Information Hotline to give journalists and citizens free legal advice on public records and open government meetings.


Kathleen K. Clarke worked as a medical technologist at the National Institutes of Health and then as an attorney until her retirement in 2016 from her position as counsel at Seward & Kissel LLP. At 76, she passed away unexpectedly in McLean, Virginia, on March 4, with her daughter and son-in-law by her side.


Donald R. Smick was a high school math, science, and chemistry teacher who coached boys’ baseball and girls’ softball. He was also a senior chemical analyst at IBM until his retirement. Donald was born on July 23, 1937, and passed away in Rochester, Minnesota on Jan. 24. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis Ann Kreher, four daughters, and two grandchildren.


Mike Richard Haughton was 73 when he passed away in Rowlett, Texas, on Jan. 2. Mike served in the Navy from 1968-71 and retired from Bank of America after 30 years of dedicated service. He is survived by his large and beloved family including his wife, Nancy Haughton.


Karen Kathleen Newton passed away of an aortic aneurysm after multiple operations in Davis, California, on Feb. 22. She was 73 and is survived by her husband, Richard Haggstrom. Karen was a political activist and a bilingual teacher. She loved her book club, chair yoga classes, chanting group, and Jin Shin Jyutsu.


Jane Lambert Turner, a Gamma Phi Beta at CC, died in 2018. She was the director of legislative affairs at the American Forest & Paper Association and a real estate agent and broker.

William Christie Tuthill was born on Sept. 25, 1949 and died of natural causes while kiteboarding in Mexico on Feb. 8. William was a retired veterinarian and an avid outdoorsman. He had three children, Karissa, Michael, and Kailey, with his wife Barb, and three grandchildren. William was a skilled surgeon who specialized in treating large and small animals and had two veterinary hospitals in Colorado Springs.


Frank Owen Kendrick, aged 71 years, died March 13, at home in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Frank was a Vietnam veteran, practicing lawyer, CEO of a 501(c)(3) corporation that rehabilitated housing in a low-income New Orleans neighborhood, mortgage banker, and past president of the Good Shepherd Humane Society. He is survived by his wife Kristine Bradt Kendrick ’73.


Lindsay Kate Deibel was a sales executive for Xerox Corporation. She passed away peacefully with her family by her side in Lone Tree, Colorado, on Feb. 8. She is survived by her daughters, Ivy and Isabelle Deibel, and her husband, Bob. She was a Kappa Alpha Theta and studied business administration at CC.


Solange M. Huggins was a native Coloradan who loved reading, gardening, traveling, and teaching yoga. She worked in infrastructure engineering for SEMA, Structures Inc., Garney, and most recently PCL. Solange passed away from ovarian cancer at 54 years young on Jan. 23. She leaves behind her husband, Mark Krier, and her four children.


Denise “Kay” Gordon passed away from diabetic complications on Jan. 15, in Silverthorne, Colorado, at age 46. She played women’s lacrosse at CC and loved hiking, snowshoeing, and traveling throughout her life. She spent her career in sales but longed to be a published author. She is survived by her son and her parents.


Stuart Hackley passed away unexpectedly on Feb. 5, at age 31. Stuart was a historian, a storyteller, and a Fulbright Scholarship recipient which he spent as a teaching assistant in Germany at a high school. Stuart is survived by his parents, Sandra and Lex Hackley.


Mackenzie “Mackie” Bartlett Greason passed away early this year. He played on the men’s lacrosse team at CC and numerous intramural sports including volleyball, ping pong, broomball, hockey, flag football, dodgeball, and basketball. He worked as a marketing strategist at BrightTALK and studied biology at CC. Mackie was a very thoughtful and open-minded young man who really got the most out of his time at CC and was extremely liked by his teammates and peers.

In Memoriam

James ColemanJames Coleman, associate professor of English from 1973 to 1989 at Colorado College, died 
on Oct. 24, 2019, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at the age of 73.

An avid reader as a child, Jim learned to memorize and recite linguistic pieces at an early age. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Virginia Union University and his Master of Arts and doctorate degrees from the University of Chicago.

Jim was a true scholar who dedicated his life to learning and teaching English, mostly African American literature. Jim was the first African American hired to a tenure-track academic faculty position at CC and first to serve as a dean of the college, when he was named assistant dean from 1978-83. After Colorado College, Jim taught at University of California San Diego for a year before taking the position of professor in the Department of English and comparative literature at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1990.

He was a prolific author and his books include: “Blackness and Modernism: The Literary Career of John Edgar Wideman,” “Black Male Fiction and the Legacy of Caliban,” “Faithful Vision: Treatments of the Sacred, Spiritual and Supernatural in Twentieth-Century African American Fiction,” “Understanding Edward P. Jones,” and “Writing Blackness: John Edgar Wideman’s Art and Experimentation.”

According to colleagues, before he passed away, he was working on a book about contemporary slave narratives with the tentative title of “The Anti-Protest Novel and the Neo-Slave Narrative: The South in African American Male Fiction Since Richard Wright.”

Jim loved to run, and he did so daily, despite the weather, in his trademark ASICS running shoes, until his health became impaired.

He is survived by two adult sons, James Henry (Jay) Coleman and William Lee (Lee) Coleman, their mother, Evelyn Dove-Coleman, and relatives, friends, and colleagues who will remember him for his decades of scholarship and teaching.

Jack CarterJack Carter, professor emeritus of biology, passed away at the age of 91 on March 10, following a brief illness.

Jack’s passion for plants and how the geography of plants told stories about our world dictated his life of teaching, developing curriculum, and exploring botany and biology. He taught at Emporia State University in Kansas and at Biological Sciences Curriculum Study in Boulder before coming to Colorado College. Jack’s passion and curiosity led countless students to cultivate their own passion for plants.

Jack was at Colorado College from 1968 to 1994 when he retired. During this time, he taught botany for the Biology Department and was in charge of The Carter Herbarium located in Barnes Science Center and dedicated in his honor. Jack was professor and curator of the herbarium from 1968 to 1989.

Jack acknowledged herbaria’s importance, citing how plant collections can help describe the ecological history of an area and help chart the present, past, and potential impact of humans over time. Add in the history of the climate and physical characteristics of the soils and weather, and an herbarium, Jack would note, can be used to help predict the future.

Jack also taught courses in India as part of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest study abroad program and his wife Martha joined him as a mentor on these biology courses. He retired in Silver City, New Mexico, where he continued his work by writing and publishing three books: “Trees and Shrubs of Colorado,” “Trees and Shrubs of New Mexico,” and “Common Southwestern Native Plants” with the help of other botanists. Jack and Martha established an endowed fund for the college, providing support for the herbarium and for students to conduct ecological and plant conservation research.

In a past Bulletin, Jack said, “I want to acknowledge how important the students have been as they became interested in the herbarium, in producing quality herbarium materials, and conducting field research and ecological studies. As I looked over my list of students that I can recall who continued their studies in the plant sciences and ecology to become professors, herbarium curators, plant illustrators, teachers, and outstanding plant science writers, I wish I could thank each of them personally for what they have contributed to my life.”

Renee Rabinowitz, born on April 7, 1934, passed away in Jerusalem at the age of 86.

Renee was an American-Israeli psychologist and Colorado College’s lawyer for 14 years, from 1986 to 2000, but was best known for suing El Al airlines in 2017 after she was forced to move her seat on a Newark to Tel-Aviv flight when a Haredi Jewish man refused to sit beside her due to his religious beliefs. An Orthodox Jew herself, she won that case, largely considered a landmark victory, with the Israel Religious Action Center, helping change the custom and prohibit gender discrimination on airlines ever since.

Renee was born in Belgium and fled the Nazis in 1941 with her family for New York City where she grew up. She received her doctorate in educational psychology from the University of Chicago and a law degree from Notre Dame University. Before becoming CC’s in-house legal counsel, Renee taught psychology at Indiana University. In 2016, Rabinowitz was included in the BBC 100 Women list of most influential women.

Aliyah is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel. Also defined as “the act of going up”— that is, towards Jerusalem — “making aliyah” by moving to the Land of Israel is one of the most basic tenets of Zionism.

In 2006, Renee and her second husband made aliyah to Israel where she was a professional volunteer at the Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma. She lived out her final years in an assisted-living facility in Jerusalem. She had three children and two stepchildren.

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy Hans KrimmProfessor Emeritus of Philosophy Hans Krimm died unexpectedly after a brief illness, at the age of 87, on April 12, in Colorado Springs.

Hans was born on Jan. 8, 1933 in Tallinn, Estonia, and his father passed away shortly thereafter. His mother, Alice, remarried Walter Krimm, who then adopted young Hans. The family fled from Estonia in 1945 to Germany as the Russians invaded. They lived in a displaced persons camp until 1949, and then came to Baltimore, Maryland.

Hans attended Johns Hopkins University on a scholarship, where he earned a bachelor of science in physics and a doctorate in philosophy. Hans taught at Utica College before relocating to Colorado Springs in 1963 to teach philosophy of science, symbolic logic, epistemology, and philosophy of education at CC. He is credited with starting the college’s first environmental ethics course and was the founder of the environmental studies program at CC. Hans also taught at the Aspen Institute and retired from Colorado College in 1998.

Hans leaves behind an admirable legacy of conservation having been a co-founder of the Palmer Parks Foundation (now the Palmer Land Trust) and was an active member of the Aiken Audubon Society. Hans jumped at the chance to go hiking, camping, and bird and animal watching, and loved Rocky Mountain National Park. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy, son Hans Albert Krimm ’83, daughter Myra Krimm Hansen ’85, daughter-in-law Linda Krimm, son-in-law James Hansen, and five grandchildren: Lilli, Charles and Mary Hansen, and Audrey and Amy Krimm.


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14 East Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO