From the Editor

Bulletin, You’ve Changed …

​​Maybe you’ve noticed, we’ve made some changes to the Colorado College Bulletin.

We have given it a sharper focus on aspects that make CC unique, a fresh look, and more compact size, and added new features so you can immerse yourself in the CC experience, stay connected with fellow Tigers, and engage with the college in meaningful ways.

To make the Bulletin more readable, we’ve increased the font size in response to readers who

had found it difficult to read the type in our new design. Thanks to everyone who reached out to let us know. We’d like to hear your thoughts: bulletin@colorado​

As a parent of a freshman at CC, I commend the editors for printing the letter from Rick Berlet ’68. I have the very same opinions about the messaging from CC. My son decided to attend CC based upon its location near climbing and skiing and its rigorous education, not its social engineering of students. I would also much appreciate a return to critical thinking and rigorous academics and much less on a progressive social agenda.

Dr. Michele Drake P’26

Greetings, I have always treasured getting the Bulletin, especially the alumni sections, significant news of the college and professors, and communication from the president.

The new smaller size is perfect. I always thought that the big size, while nice, was atypical. No magazine, cruise brochure, or company annual report is “LIFE” magazine-style anymore (I’m dating myself…).

About size, the type is a bit small for my reading comfort (again, it’s age), but I noticed that the article lengths are succinctly one page now, which is much appreciated. The long, multi-page articles in the old Bulletin did not invite reading.

Susan Allison Milstein ’67

I believe Mr. Berlet may have responded to incoming President Richardson’s message with an incorrect interpretation of her intent. On the contrary, I do not believe in the conclusion that equity, diversity, and equality are the antithesis of “critical thinking.” Rather, the aspects of critical thinking, excellence, and accomplishment are endemic in a CC education, as they should be. Those aspects are givens. I understood her message to supplement, not override, critical thinking.

Our divided world requires all of us to step back when we come across buzzwords that lead us to false conclusions. Equity, critical thinking, diversity, excellence, equality, and accomplishment are not mutually exclusive. Thankfully, all these wonderful traits are at the core of a Colorado College education.

Mark Sperry P’95

Just a thought about the Bulletin and the birdcage.

Social, race relations, and athletics seem to now be more important in the Bulletin than academics. If that is the way that CC wants the Bulletin to go; ……oh well, but it is indeed sad.

David Johnson ’67