Since 2014, 447 alumni, parents, and friends have traveled with the Block Break Away program, 53 as repeat travelers. The hallmark of our program is inclusion of a CC faculty member or an experienced alumnus/na travel guide or provider.

March 12-19, 2019

Caribbean: Sailing the Windward Islands on Le Ponant with Associate Professor of Music Ryan Bañagale ’00. (Only three cabins available.)



June 15-25, 2019

Hiking Scotland’s Inner and Outer Hebrides with Professor of Geology Eric Leonard (just three spots available)



July 28-Aug. 3, 2019

Polar Bears and Beluga Whales of Hudson Bay with Associate Professor and Director of Environmental Programs Miro Kummel



Aug. 8-24, 2019

Guided Walking of the Olympic Peninsula with Heather Harding ’88



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