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Posts from the April 2016 issue

Bill Clinton Draws Crowd on Campus

More than 1,100 people attended a rally in Cornerstone Arts Center to hear former President Bill Clinton campaign for his wife, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. EMILY KOHUT ’16, an English and classics major, and EMILY DODERER ’17, a molecular biology major, were in line at 8:07 a.m. waiting for the doors to open at 12:30…

Issue: April 2016 • Tags:

Experimentation, Engagement, Interdisciplinarity

Alumni return to campus to teach Summer Institutes.

Issue: April 2016 • Tags:

Celebrating Winter Graduates

CC piloted a new event, WINTER CELEBRATION, honoring the students who were eligible to graduate in December. A graduation ceremony and dinner were held in their honor on Sunday, Dec. 13 in Bemis Great Hall. Congratulations to CC’s mid-year graduates!

Issue: April 2016 • Tags:

‘Graphic Magic’: Revealing Authenticity in CC’s New Logo

In true CC fashion, a coalition of staff, faculty, students, and alumni (designated as the Knowledge Development Team, or KDT) and a trustee Strategic Project Team (SPT) closely examined the college’s rich history, traditions, stories, and identity over a period of 18 months. The goal? To present to the college and to the world —…

Issue: April 2016 • Tags:

From the President

Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends of Colorado College, Alumni often ask me if CC students are still as passionate and adventurous as they were when they were at the college. They worry that as CC continues to receive more and more applications and becomes very selective, the character of the student body will change. I…

Issue: April 2016 • Tags: