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Posts from the Spring 2021 issue

9 Faculty Members Awarded Tenure; 7 Granted Emeriti Status

Nine Colorado College faculty members were approved by the Board of Trustees for tenure and promotion to associate professor following the board’s annual February meeting. The CC faculty members awarded tenure and promoted, effective July 1, are: Additionally, the board awarded emeriti status to seven faculty members who retired or are retiring by the end…

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags: ,

Board of Trustees Approves New Trustees

At their annual February meeting, the Board of Trustees approved new charter trustees Justin “Chester” White ’15 and Tony Rosendo ’02 (Rosendo will start his position in 2022), and new board officers Jeff Keller ’91 P’22, chair; Ryan Haygood ’97, vice chair; and Heather Carroll ’89, secretary. The positions are effective July 1.

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags:

PrintReleaf Program Update

The Colorado College Bulletin participates in a project called PrintReleaf WeForest as a replanting offset of the paper it uses to print the magazine. PrintReleaf has now completed its reforestation project in São Paulo, Brazil. CC contributed nearly 3,000 trees to the effort, and any excess replanting credits were transferred to a deforestation rehabilitation project…

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags:

Two Library Areas Named in Honor of Jill Tiefenthaler

The CC Board of Trustees recently approved the naming of an entrance and study lounge in the Charles L. Tutt Library in honor of former President Jill Tiefenthaler. The library’s east entrance, which faces Palmer Hall, will be named the Tiefenthaler Entryway, and the large study area next to Susie B’s café on the library’s…

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags:

CC Receives $33.5 Million Future Gift: Largest Gift From Individual Donor in CC History

Colorado College has received a $33.5 million future estate gift from an anonymous donor, the largest gift ever from an individual in the college’s 147-year history. The unprecedented estate commitment will support future needs of the college and provide funding for the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College. “We cannot fully express how…

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags: