Colazione di Halloween

A yummy and healthy breakfast to start this Halloween in the best way!

colazione-page-001Residents and students stopped by the lounge to wake up 🙂 Coffee, cappuccino, eggs & bacon, pancakes, muffins and more- all this was on our menu! We even had our own pumpkin mascotte!

halloween Hope you all enjoyed the food and the Italian class that followed!

Special thanks to Cash and Maria for helping with the cooking.

Ci vediamo presto alla Casa Italiana 🙂

Viva la Porchetta!

So many people showed up to our Porchetta Roast- that was amazing!


First things first: GRAZIE MILLE Max and Brendan for allowing us to taste such delicious food 🙂 You are incredible cooks!

The Carriage House hosted almost 60 people and we had Porchetta together with a tasty nut salad and mini ciabatta buns. Looks like everyone enjoyed the menu and an Italian playlist accompanied our meal  🙂



Some of us were even brave enough to dance the Gioca Jouer– well done!

We definitely look forward to another big event like this one, hope you’re as excited as we are  😉

Ci vediamo!



Porchetta Roast!

Join the party and treat yourself to a delicious Italian dish!

We’re having a Porchetta Roast on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 5 pm in the Morreale Carriage House.

If you want to know what Porchetta is, have a look here.

Planning to come? Please RSVP to

Porchetta Roast-page-001 (2).jpg

See you there 🙂

Giochi & Buon Cibo!

For the first event of the year, the Italian and the Asian House joined forces to organise a great game night!


Almost 30 residents attended and played charades, that was a lot of fun! Then we had a delicious dinner together, with dishes from our different countries 🙂 The Italian contribution was Parmigiana & Nutella cake… We had 0 leftovers so big success!








Can’t wait to have our next event. Stay tuned!

Espresso & more

This was our last Spesso Espresso of the school year!

Hope you enjoyed the coffee, cappuccino, torta al limone & the company 😉 We surely did and are already looking forward to our next meeting!



A prestissimo!
