Grande successo!

It was great to see current & future residents of the Language Houses get together for the BBQ yesterday 🙂

Yummy international food, music and super nice weather – it couldn’t have been better, right?



Thanks for coming and see you soon – don’t miss our events for this last block!

Cioccolata per tutti!

Real chocolate for real chocolate lovers!

That’s our motto for tomorrow: join us at 8 pm to taste Italian and Ecuadorian chocolate and learn something about your favorite sweet stuff. We’ll have a little quiz to test your knowledge in the field as well… and of course, you’re welcome to taste the samples!

A huge GRAZIE to Francisco for organizing this event and providing the chocolate!!!

Ci vediamo domani, un lunedi’ ‘cioccolatoso’ 😉

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Lunedì Espresso

The German house hosts the Kaffee klatsch every Wednesday.

The Russian House has the Russian tea every Thursday.

And the Italian house?

We decided to have our own regular event every second Monday of the block at 2 pm. We will offer Italian espresso, cookies/cake and we will chat…possibly in Italian!

You can find other good reasons to take part in this event here.

Don’t miss it!

SPESSO ESPRESSO-page-001.jpg




(Sweet) Roman Holiday

La nostra risposta alla neve / Our answer to the snow


Let’s bake and watch Roman Holiday together this Thursday at 8pm – with the cold weather this event is just perfect!

Our passionate baking Princesses Kelly & Olivia are organizing this, so come give your support (and why not, help out in the kitchen) 🙂

Hot chocolate and other hot drinks will be provided. See you there!

Back in cucina: Gnocchi Lab!

Why ordering them at the restaurant when you can make them yourself?

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This Wednesday (Feb. 3) at 6 pm, come learn from Antonio (a.k.a. “Re Gnocco”) all the secrets of the perfect gnocchi! Not only will we make them – and obviously eat them – but we will also FINALLY learn how to correctly pronounce one of the trickiest Italian words 😉

Time to start correcting your friends when they mispronounce the “gn” or the “ch”… And of course, time to cook with us!


Write to Sara:

Delicious! Buonissimo!

Ben fatto, ragazzi! 

You were a great team, and the final result was delicious – everybody agreed on that when tasting our tiramisu’!




This was the 4th cultural event for the Italian team this block – we enjoyed every single one and we hope you did too!

We’re looking forward to more events next semester, but for now… Buone vacanze! 🙂


Tiramisù o Tiramigiù?

Do you want to learn how to make the perfect Tiramisù?


Come to the Italian House, this Wednesday  Dec. 9 at 7.00 pm!

I will share with you the secrets to make the perfect Italian dessert.

Don’t miss it!

Few spots still available. RSVP to or


Serata Carbonara

tutti in posa

Thank you everyone for coming to our carbonara workshop!

I hope you liked the original carbonara and the vegetarian one.

As a teacher I also hope that you learned something and that will be useful in the future. Sorry, professional distortion 🙂

Special thanks to Sara, our amazing CPC, and to Gabbie and Maddie for their help at the end of the event.

 Don’t miss our next event in the Italian House!


Here some pictures:

 tutti al lavoro duo trioal lavoro!

