Domenica is brunch time!



China, Japan and, of course, Italy: the CPCs worked together to offer a good Sunday brunch to all the residents of Elbert House. Torte salate, Nutella, caprese, Chirashi zushi, mame gohan, Chinese pea cake…and much more.

Everything was delizioso!


So many of you showed up…

Collage brunch 3

…which means there were no leftovers!

Collage brunch 1

A well-deserved break to refresh our minds after the first week of Block 1!

Alla prossima, ragazzi!

Una nuova famiglia at CC!

Yesterday night Elbert house welcomed all the new residents of our Casa italiana:


Jackson, Lily, Julian, Noah, Lex, Eric, Emily, Sarah, Eric, Jack, Joâo, Harley, Riley, Hannah, Vladi, Karuna, Xinling, Qizhen, our RA, Durga, and our CPC, Diana.




It was a great pleasure to meet you all, guys!

The Italian team wishes you a surprising year at CC, with a taste of our Dolce Vita!

