Education Department Job Opening: K-12 Music Methods Instructor and Supervisor

Update April 27, 2012: This position has been filled.

Colorado College is seeking a K-12 Music (instrumental and choral) methods instructor and supervisor. The instructor would teach music methods in block 1 to graduate (and potentially undergraduate) students in the teaching program. Block 1 runs from September 3 through September 26.  In general, class is held in the afternoons from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Qualifications for the position include:

  • Master’s degree or higher in education or related field
  • Minimum 5 years teaching experience
  • Experience in both vocal and instrumental (band and string) music
  • Experience working with student teachers, either as a supervisor or former cooperating teacher

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Summer Program: Gifted and Talented 2012

We are proud to announce that our Summer 2012 Gifted and Talented Application has opened. Sign up your younger siblings, nieces/nephews, children, friends, and share this amazing opportunity with the people you love! The program is going to be great this year!

For an application or more information, please visit our website:

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i3 Adds STEM to Second Round Priorities

[From the Triangle Coalition for Science and Technology Education]

The U.S. Department of Education announced that STEM education is one of the new “absolute priorities” in the Investing in Innovation (i3) grants. The i3 competition was created under the Recovery and Reinvestment Act to encourage districts, along with community partners, to explore evidence-based, innovative approaches to improving student achievement. The first round in 2010 drew nearly 1,700 applications competing for a slice of $650 million.

The second round of i3 will be much smaller, providing a total of $150 million and awarding up to 22 winners. While the previous round required grant winners to secure 20% matching funds from the private sector, the matching requirements will be lower and scaled to the type of grant awarded.  According to the Department of Education, the smaller matching fund requirement, along with fewer selection criteria are part of “simplifications” made in response to feedback from prior applicants and other stakeholders. Click here for more information.

Education Department Job Opening: English/LA Methods Instructor and Supervisor

Please note: this position has been filled. [Updated Sept. 1, 2011]

Colorado College is seeking a secondary English/LA methods instructor and supervisor. The position is currently for teaching in Block 1, which runs from September 5 through September 28.  In general, class is held in the afternoons from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Qualifications for the position include:

  • Master’s degree or higher in education or related field
  • Minimum 5 years teaching experience
  • Experience working with student teachers, either as a supervisor or former cooperating teacher

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