July People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter provides a reminder of resources regarding the annual compensation changes, the retirement of Laurie Mozingo, the announcement of other HR staffing changes, an update regarding the quarter’s performance conversations, and our new applicant tracking system.   Compensation Updates On July 1, annual staff compensation changes were implemented for all staff. Everyone received at least …

Block A People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter contains information about feedback practices, an opportunity to give input on professional development at CC, and an update on compensation. Feedback Practices  In April, 493 staff members met with their supervisors for a conversation about their most recent performance and to establish future goals. It comes as no surprise that we are a …

Block 8 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter contains information on the new applicant tracking system, an opportunity to join the ambassador program, and an update on compensation.  Benefits Open Enrollment CC makes significant investments in our benefits offerings to support you as an employee. To get the most value from these investments, we encourage you to review your selections during …

Block 7 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter contains important details about Benefits Open Enrollment, helpful information about the current Performance Conversation, and an opportunity to sign up for the Compensation Open Forum.  Benefits Open Enrollment CC makes significant investments in our benefits offerings to support you as an employee. To get the most value from these investments, we encourage you …

April Performance Conversation Information

The April 2024 Performance Conversation cycle opens for Staff on Monday, March 25. The April Performance Conversation cycle will open on Monday, March 25, for benefits eligible staff. This training video is available to walk you through the Performance Conversation process and answer many of your questions. Performance Conversation cycles are broken down into the …

Block 6 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter contains links to Bridge trainings to prepare for upcoming performance conversations, information on mental health resources at CC, and a link to the 2024-25 administrative calendar.  Feedback Practices Rollout Benefit eligible staff will participate in their first quarterly performance conversation in April. To help you prepare for this conversation, take some time to …

Updates to Staff Performance Evaluation Process

Please note the changes to the performance evaluation process. Based on your feedback with regard to the need to better support employee growth and development, we are rolling out changes to the staff performance evaluation process this year. All full-time, benefit-eligible staff will participate in quarterly performance conversations with their supervisors (in January, April, July, …

Block 5 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter includes an update on compensation, information regarding feedback practices, and a shoutout to the Collaborative for Community Engagement (CCE). Week of Action Thank you to the CCE for organizing the Week of Action. HR was thrilled to participate by visiting Food to Power and learning about the amazing work they do to support the …

December 2023 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This month’s newsletter includes an overview of employee experience developments and a reflection activity for the end of the year. Employee Experience Developments in 2023 2023 has been an eventful year. HR has been working hard to help enhance your experience as an employee at CC. Hiring Practices: We have revamped our staff hiring practices to …
