May 2023 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This month’s newsletter includes updates on annual compensation, open enrollment, how to learn more about our retirement options, and opportunities to provide feedback on our Performance Management process. Meet Pam Butler, Compensation Manager Pam’s career in HR began in 1988 with Walter Drake and Sons where she managed payroll and benefits processes, employee relations, policy …

April 2023 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

A Note from Ryan Simmons HR has been working hard to enhance the services we offer our employees at CC. We are committed to documenting, communicating, and enhancing our processes to better serve you. Until recently, we have been about 30% below our pre-pandemic staffing, and have been prioritizing your immediate needs. I’m happy to …

Year-end Health Benefit Updates

Two end-of-year healthcare updates:  Kroger is no longer going to be available as an in-network pharmacy in 2023. Cigna is in negotiations with Centura and there may be changes to Centura’s in-network status in 2023. Kroger Pharmacy In-network Status  Kroger will no longer be an in-network pharmacy as of Jan. 1, 2023. Members can still …

Campus Leadership Searches Underway

Dear Staff and Faculty, President Richardson recently announced the retirements of three outstanding CC leaders: Mike Edmonds, Rochelle T. Dickey, and Robert G. Moore. We are grateful for these individuals’ service and significant contributions to the college. In addition, Katharina Groves and Tulio Wolford have been partnering to fill the senior leadership role in the …

Participate in Prevention Training

Dear Staff and Faculty, Tragically, suicide is the leading cause of death among young people in Colorado. We, as a community, have experienced the loss and pain that suicide can create.   As part of our commitment to help our community thrive, we will offer online suicide prevention training to all members of the CC community. QPR …

Funding for New Colorado FAMLI Program

As you may know, in November 2020 Colorado voters approved Proposition 118, which resulted in the implementation of the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program. This program, which takes effect in January 2024, makes paid family and medical leave benefits available to most Colorado employees who have a qualifying condition and who earned $2,500 over …
