Around the Block Campus News – A More Just World

Inauguration and Celebration of CC’s 14th President L. Song Richardson

ID: Woman of color in white pants and blue patterned top being hugged by small children and smiling, in a museum ID: woman of color wearing a black dress, red blazer, with shoulder length curly hair standing at a podium, looking at the camer and smiling, holding her hanf up as she is sworn into office by the man standing in regalia behind a podium to her right
The inauguration of L. Song Richardson, Colorado College’s 14th president in its 148 years, was one that celebrated community, inclusion, and the promise of an already-distinctive college and its graduates making an even greater positive impact on the world.
Building a “more just world” was the overarching theme of Richardson’s speech, which outlined her vision for CC. Read here to learn more about Richardson’s vision. If you missed the festivities, you can watch the inauguration ceremony here. 

The Walk to School – Travel Stories

ID: groupd of young students standing around outside near a picnic table, with grass, trees, and a body of water ID: a group of college students in shorts with tshirts and backpacks hiking along a grassy area in the mountains
By Zeke Lloyd ’24
Student Zeke Lloyd ’24 studied in Spain during Summer 2022 as part of CC’s Summer in Spain program, based in Soria. Students lived with host families and participated in city life during two summer blocks. In addition to immersive language learning, the program incorporated multiple cultural activities and excursions to places such as Madrid and San Sebastian, to learn about the history and cultures of Spain. Zeke shared stories and images of his summer experience throughout the course.
The main street of Soria is like nothing I have ever seen. The four-lane avenue served as a central artery, curving from one end of the town to the other. The most important buildings lay along this street. Every morning I passed an enormous bull-fighting arena, a 17th century Catholic church, and a social security office, where a Spanish flag hung alongside the blue banner of the European Union.
Colorado Springs was 5,000 miles away, but Soria soon came to feel like a second home. Armed with the confidence that we were exploring this new country together, it didn’t take long for us to get into a normal routine. As our Spanish improved, we found ourselves better able to connect with our host families. Lunches and dinners transformed from quiet, confusing meals into opportunities to laugh, learn, and bond.
By the end, Spain didn’t seem so new. Time spent there just felt like living, which is why our departure felt like such an odd conclusion. It didn’t fit the narrative. Like any tale of travel, our trip did contain elements of a good story. There were protagonists, challenges, and triumphs. But important parts of a clear, classic plotline were missing. There was no call to adventure. There was no major conflict. There was no satisfactory conclusion. We overcame obstacles, and then we found a routine no more unfamiliar than the one we had in the United States. Then we left.
So, in considering my time abroad, the most memorable part was my morning commute.

Dismantling Hate: An Educational Series Toward Understanding and Action

ID: black background with white, red, and gray lettering. a black and white photo of a bald man in a white collared shirt
Join the ADEI team and Jorge Zeballos for the 2022-23 academic year’s first event of the Dismantling Hate series: Cosmic Race, Rainbow People, and Other Myths: Race and Racial Identity in the Latinx Community. Zeballos is an independent equity and inclusion consultant. Zeballos has 15 years of experience in higher education, and last held the position of Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer at Kellogg Community College in Battle Creek, Mich., where his efforts were recognized by the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education with their Institutional Excellence Award, Honorable Mention.

This series opener will take place Sept. 5 from 7-8 p.m. at McHugh Commons and will be a hybrid event. Visit the event webpage for more information and to register for the webinar.
The Dismantling Hate: An Educational Series Toward Understanding and Action series is a campus-wide initiative that provides programming for CC students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members from the Colorado Springs area. The purpose and goal of this educational series is to support our communities to better understand hate — its roots and outcomes, and to motivate people to take action to dismantle hate. Each educational program in the series features a conversation with an activist, broadly defined, who shares their work and experiences dismantling hate against marginalized communities.

Best of the Springs – Vote in The Indy

Voting for the Indy Best of 2022 has begun and ends Sept. 6. If you would like to vote for Colorado College, you can do so by visiting the website Welcome to the Indy’s Best of 2022 – FINAL ROUND  under the Shopping & Service section.

Photo of the Week

Photo by Lonnie Timmons III
The inauguration of President L. Song Richardson on Monday, Aug. 29 at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College.
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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

The Gold Mine – A Resource for CC’s Research Grant Community (Block 1, 2022)

News for and about CC’s Thriving Research Grant Community

News for and about CC's Thriving Research Grant Community

Celebrating This Summer’s

Thriving Research Grant Community

Dear colleagues,

Between precious porch reading and long-planned family vacations, CC faculty also took advantage of summer’s spaciousness to make strategic progress toward their long-term scholarly and creative goals. While naturally faculty across the College engaged in their research and creative work this summer, many from the faculty chose to lean into this work in exciting ways. All told, this summer 44 individual faculty from 19 departments and programs were engaged in the external grant funding process.  

Since Commencement: 

  • eight faculty engaged in planning meetings for future external funding
  • 10 faculty participated in one of three “Small Group Grant Gatherings
  • 10 faculty submitted 11 new proposals for external funding
  • four faculty were awarded new external grants totaling $269,168 
  • three faculty and two staff are contemplating next steps after learning three grant proposals were not funded 
  • 13 faculty received a total of $141,253 in summer salary or stipends from their external grants, and 
  • 19 students received a total of $70,328 in research fellowship funding from external grants 
The high level of activity this summer illustrates an important trend: Over the last several years there has been a steady growth in the number of faculty who are incorporating the search for external funding into the ecosystem of their scholarly work. As of August 1, 2022, 21 CC faculty are principal investigators on 27 active grants and fellowships totaling ~$3.4 million in funding. By comparison, ten years ago, on August 1, 2012, 11 CC faculty were principal investigators on 15 active research grants totaling ~$1.6 million in funding.

If you are interested in joining CC’s vibrant grants community, please visit the Office of the Dean of the Faculty’s External Grants Overview page, where you can learn more about the resources that exist to support you in being successful and the benefits of grants work regardless of funding. The first step in the process is easy: Let’s meet at your convenience!

I send best wishes for a smooth start to the new academic year!

Tess Powers

Director of Faculty Research Support

Help Us Recognize Our Community’s Accomplishments

CC Accolades

We are developing a new process for gathering and sharing the accomplishments of the CC community. Help us celebrate your faculty colleagues’ accomplishments! Use this anonymous form to share news of publications, creative work, grants and fellowships, and other accomplishments.

Focus on a Funder

Howard Foundation Fellowship

Summary: Highly flexible, non-residential fellowship that supports sabbatical time for artists and scholars.

Career Stage: “Early mid-career,” who have completed “at least one major project”

Annual Deadline: November 1

Award Amount: $40,000

Important: Five-year sequence of fields supported. Applicants should apply at the appropriate time based on field, and if awarded are able to postpone use until their sabbatical.

Fall 2022 deadline for Artists in the field of “Music for Performance” and Scholars in the field of “Musicology, Ethnomusicology and Sound Studies.” Future fields: “Emerging Arts,” “Science and Technology Studies,” “Object-based Arts and Installation Based Arts,” “Art History, Architecture and Visual Culture,” “Fiction and Poetry,” “Literary Studies,” “Playwriting and Choreography,” and “Theater and Performance Studies.”

Resource Reminder

Curated Lists in Pivot Grants Database

Regardless of when (or whether) you intend to apply for research funding, it’s wise to develop an understanding of the kinds of funding opportunities that are available to you. In an effort make this easier for CC faculty, we have developed about 40 “Curated Lists” in the College’s Pivot grants database. While these lists are not exhaustive, they attempt to capture the key funding opportunities that are available to particular disciplines and particular audiences.

There are also Curated Lists with funding ideas for undergraduates and recent graduates. Please share this information with students!

Save the Date

Summer Research and Internship Symposium: Thursday, October 6th, 3-5 p.m. Contact Lisa Schwartz with questions.

“NSF from the Inside” with Phoebe Lostroh, Vanessa Munoz and Mateo Munoz. Thursday, November 10th, lunchtime panel. Contact Tess Powers with questions. Contact Marcella Mills to RSVP for the lunch.

Photo by Fabio Bracht on Unsplash.

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Changes to the Standard Response Protocol

Dear Campus Community,

Colorado College uses the Standard Response Protocol as a guide for the campus community to respond to situations on or near campus that pose risks to our health and safety.

These protocols are determined based on the type of situations and risks involved. Campus Safety then conducts an assessment of those situations and risks. If warranted, Campus Safety will send the appropriate protocol messaging through the emergency mass notification system, RAVE. 

Please make sure you’re registered to received RAVE messaging: Rave Login – Colorado College (

In 2021 the Standard Response Protocol was updated by the developers of the SRP, the “I Love U Guys” Foundation. The change was made based on feedback from schools and organizations that use the SRP. The new and updated SRP 2021 added new protocols, Secure and Hold, and removed Lock Out to alleviate the confusion between Lockdown and Lockout. You can watch a video outlining the changes here.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Cathy Buckley

Director of Campus Safety and Emergency Management

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Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Creating a More Just World: President Richardson’s Inauguration Address

Thank you for helping Colorado College celebrate the inauguration of our 14th president. 

In her inaugural speech yesterday, President L. Song Richardson shared her vision that “CC is a place that’s willing to take bold action – to take courageous action – to ignite our student’s potential in order to create a more just world.”
Click the image below to watch a recording of President Richardson’s inaugural speech.

ID: woman of color wearing a black dress, red blazer, with shoulder length curly hair standing at a podium, looking at the camer and smiling, while people who are sitting look up at her. Behind her is a slide that says The Inauguration of L. Song Richardson 14th President of Colorado College. Clicking on this image will take you to a link for the speech
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