AUG 30 2015

The Setting Sun


As I look out upon the bay I am struck by how much beauty can be in one place. One would think that it should not be possible to have such a concentrated amount of breathtaking scenery in such a small town. Yet, Port Isaac defies the odds.

I am actually very excited for the sun to set tonight. Not just because I am exhausted and will be able to fall asleep, but also because of the beautiful colors the sun makes as it radiates off the water and into the town. As the sun goes down, it looks like a blanket of orange and yellow has fallen onto this small fishing town. The first time I saw this sunset was last night as the Fisherman’s Friends, a group of local fishermen, were singing to me. It was a very surreal experience. It started out like any reputable fisherman-singing group would, by giving each of them a pint of local beer. As they downed their first pint, the lead fisherman started making some jokes that were mildly offensive but still funny enough to get a laugh out of the crowd that was gathering. Meanwhile, the FSA group was sitting behind a small rowboat, huddled together to avoid the cold, eagerly awaiting the performance that was about to commence.

Not long after 7:30 the Fisherman’s Friends started their first song. I don’t really know how to describe their sound other than a mix between Pirates of the Caribbean, country, and folk. There were three guitars, an accordion, a bell, and all of their voices. Unsurprisingly, all of their songs had something to do with fishing or being on a boat. They were actually very good, and although I could not really relate to any of their songs, I was still very much enjoying the music. Around halfway through their set, I noticed the sun beginning to set over the water. It was something out of a postcard, yet no picture could ever do it justice. I saw colors I had never seen before, and it was a very surreal moment. It was an almost magical end to the day; the Fisherman’s Friends were singing in the background as I witnessed the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in my life. I still have a hard time comprehending that I am actually in England on this amazing adventure, but it is moments like this that remind me how lucky I am to be here and how many more moments I will have just like this one.
