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Posts from the August 2016 issue

Peak Profile: Fantu Cheru ’75

“I love this work, the work I do, because it is so messy.” Fantu Cheru ’75 says it with a smile, and then gets into the meat of his speech. And before long, you get a sense of the mess. The venue is a 2013 North-South Institute forum, and in 19 minutes captured on YouTube,…

Issue: August 2016 • Tags:

Peak Profile: Sharon L. Smith ’67

When young women graduating from CC go on to graduate studies or careers in the sciences, they owe a great debt to the women who have blazed a trail to the laboratories, to the oceans, and to space. Sharon L. Smith ’67 is among those pioneers. She became fascinated by ocean ecosystems when she was…

Issue: August 2016 • Tags:

Peak Profile: Peter Frykholm ’92

Not just any boys’ high school soccer team practices on an artificial turf field at 10,000’ elevation, but if you play for Peter Frykholm ’92 in Leadville, Colorado, you do. Under Frykholm’s leadership, a landmark five-year community project transformed an abandoned zinc smelter into a modern athletic facility. Frykholm devoted countless volunteer hours to everything…

Issue: August 2016 • Tags:

Peak Profile: Harlene Hayne ’83, P’17

When Harlene Hayne ’83, P’17 became the vice chancellor at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 2011, she didn’t think it should be a big deal that she was the first female to hold the position. “But then,” she says, “I realized that this university was already a trailblazer with respect to…

Issue: August 2016 • Tags: