Before coming to CC, I heard so much about the outdoorsy culture, liberal mindsets, ski-lovers, and hippie lifestyles, but the music scene was not mentioned at all.
As a result, I was always curious about the music scene at Colorado College and how it thrived. Fortunately, I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Not only does SOCC play a major role but there is a wonderful music department, music ensembles, numerous student bands (Battle of the Bands was amazing by the way!), Open Mic Night, Llamapalooza, and other groups of students who are contributing to music and creating a community.
Good for news for me, my curiosity has allowed to me to find amazing people who have the same passion as me, inspiring me to continue to create music whenever I can.
Because of this I thought it’d be a wonderful idea to share the song Fit$Gerald by CC Students Romell, Sherman, Clay, Mamoun, and Alejandro.