In terms of externship, Friday was my last day at InsideOut. UrbanPeak, a homeless shelter for youth in Colorado Springs from ages 15-20, and InsideOut recently collaborated and decided that the UrbanPeak kids would have drop in hours from 12:30-3pm at InsideOut. The most exciting activity of the day was from 5:30-7pm – Glitter Wars. …

The Fly on the wall and the Artists that are very much present

Filmmaking classes are the best opportunity to play lots of foosball. It’s funny– so many creative powerhouse studios provide game rooms to employees, because when you are involved in Film, you’re living there. In that, if you’re editing a film, you live in the editing room. Every day at break, whether I was tired, frustrated, …

Release Forms, License Agreements, and Contracts – Oh my!

Today we learned about the legalities regarding filmmaking in larger settings. I was amazed at how much work goes into filming in a public setting. For Clay and Dylan’s movie, The Hollywood Complex, there is one scene where there are a bunch of children in a crowded room, and even though those children are not participating in …

Workshopping; The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

Thursday and Friday of this week were consumed by workshopping all ten drafts of our final audio essays. Both days were long, rewarding and difficult. It was my first experience workshopping anything, or being workshopped, and I think most of the class was a little nervous. A writing workshop environment is so intense because you …
