Just a quick note to say how pleased I am to see Eric Sondermann’s Letter to the Editor in the most recent Bulletin. It is a thoughtful, sophisticated, and broadminded commentary on a pervasive issue in contemporary education and I, personally, think it should be required reading for all students, staff, and CC administration. Bravo for making space for this invaluable perspective. I hope CC never becomes an institution that censors speech or opinions when that very censorship is deemed “fashionable” or “woke” by self-identified identity fanatics. True empowerment to the individual, or institution, comes through learning, listening, and personal responsibility, not pessimistic finger-pointing by the politically rabid. Good job, CC.

Christophe Olson ’87

Dear Bulletin,

I enjoyed reading Eric Sondermann’s letter in the winter 2019 Bulletin. I couldn’t agree more, I believe an emphasis on color and identity doesn’t take us very far. What takes us pretty far is a quote I really love from my avatar Bob Dylan. In his most recent Netflix movie, “Rolling Thunder,” Bob says, “Life isn’t about finding yourself; or finding anything. Life is about creating yourself.” With the premise of “creating yourself” firmly in hand, I expect some really good classes on “individual agency” to be offered soon — I look forward to hearing about them. Might even want to attend.

Rory Donaldson ’66