From the Editor

Bulletin, You’ve Changed …

Maybe you’ve noticed, we’ve made some changes to the Colorado College Bulletin.
We have given it a sharper focus on aspects that make CC unique, a fresh look, and more compact size, and added new features so you can immerse yourself in the CC experience, stay connected with fellow Tigers, and engage with the college in meaningful ways.

To make the Bulletin more readable, we’ve increased the font size in response to readers who found it difficult to read the type in our new design. Thanks to everyone who reached out to let us know. We’d like to hear your thoughts: bulletin@colorado​

I think I wrote to you before that I am disappointed that all emphasis on scholarly accomplishments seems to have disappeared. The Bulletin that arrived recently took me less than five minutes to read and it went immediately into the recycle bin. It was not worth even five minutes. I see that members of my age group have a similar reaction. I would remind CC that old alumni are your donor base.

Sharon L. Smith ’67

Yes, Colorado College has created some pushback with its recent over-emphasis on solely diverse leadership rather than on academic excellence. Imagine the reaction to a Bulletin cover and articles showcasing all white leaders! The college’s clearly preferential pursuit of BIPOC without backing it up with qualifications for those positions strongly defeats the mission statement of a well-rounded and best-candidate approach, and actually serves only to separate different ethnic groups even more rather than unify them as a cohesive body.

Christopher A. Jones ’83

I wanted to congratulate Lonnie Timmons III on the portraits he made for the recent Bulletin. That’s a huge amount of work, and completed beautifully. I know from 15 years as University of Colorado-Boulder’s photographer how hard it is even to sche-dule such a busy group of people, but he seems to have put each at ease and at their best. Needless to say, the portraits anchor an important story of CC’s success in bringing together a strong and diverse group of leaders. Congratulations, on that accomplishment as well.

Ken Abbott ’80

I was at CC with Susan Allison, whose letter you published in the latest Bulletin, and am a retired typographer. It’s my opinion that 9-point type is still too small to invite reading. I used to read every word in the Bulletin, but no longer.

Janet Sims ’66, ’73

Editor’s note: We’ve increased the font size to 9.5 in response to readers. Let us know what you think.