We’d like to hear from you! The Colorado College Bulletin is distributed to alumni, parents, and friends. It is published three times a year and seeks to portray the people, events, experiences, and topics that best reflect a CC education. We welcome comments, feedback, items of interest, class notes, letters to the editor, story suggestions, etc. 

CC Connections: Have you unexpectedly encountered a fellow Tiger somewhere in the world? Let us know!

Class notes, obituaries, weddings and celebrations, births and adoptions: Send your news! Information submitted should be for the current or previous year only.

Please send digital photos (JPGs at 300 dpi and minimum of 3.5 x 5 inches) or good quality prints at a similar size. Include complete information about the location, date, and circumstance, and identify people in the photo left to right.

Help us build a better Bulletin by participating at sites.coloradocollege.edu/bulletin

Contact us
(719) 389-6603 or bulletin@coloradocollege.edu

Colorado College
14 East Cache La Poudre St.
Colorado Springs, CO 