“Quantitative Research Methods was a very challenging class, but the GIS and STATA tutorial videos helped considerably. The tutorials helped me solidify my skills and feel more confident about what I was doing. They will definitely be helpful in a couple weeks when I have to use STATA again for my thesis research!” – Kathleen Callahan ’13
“I used the tutorials after graduation when I did a presentation as part of my Public Interest Fellowship Program. The presentation was about the potential uses of GIS in evaluation work, and was given in the hopes of soliciting more projects from my colleagues. I used the tutorial to freshen up my mind on what was possible with maps, what kind of data are needed, etc.” – Ellie Smith ’11
“CC’s academic pace is very quick. Wade’s videos allow students to review the technology based material in advance, which allows more classroom time to discuss the important topics and not spend large amounts of time covering lab techniques that are not the direct focus of the class. The students often review the videos throughout the course while in labs and doing homework. This repetitive viewing nature has proven to be an asset to many students in learning GIS and STATA techniques needed in class. Wade’s videos have proven to be direct asset in the blended/flipped classroom environment at CC and have enriched the courses that have utilized them.” – Matt Gottfried, Technical Director, GIS Lab