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Posts tagged Features

Honoring the Legacy of One of CC's Earliest African-American Students

[I now] “ … realize that the discrimination I experienced was trivial compared with what my wife went through without bitterness or rancor.  … I am moved in this year of loss of my only priceless possession, and on the 31st anniversary of my graduation day at Colorado College, to contribute this bit toward matching…

Issue: August 2010 • Tags:

CC Welcomes New Faculty

Daniel Arroyo-Rodriguez: Instructor of Spanish Arroyo-Rodriguez comes to Colorado College from the University of Michigan, where he received his Ph.D. in Spanish literature in 2010. A native of Spain, Arroyo-Rodriguez earned his B.A. in English philology in 2000 from the Universidad de Sevilla. Arroyo-Rodriguez specializes in 19th-, 20th-, and 21st-century Spanish peninsular literature and cultural…

Issue: August 2010 • Tags:

The Next Step: Gaining Experience for Careers, Grad School, and Life After CC

You’ve seen the bumper stickers, or the t-shirts: “I am a liberal arts graduate. Would you like fries with that?” A criticism sometimes leveled at liberal arts education is that its broadly educated, creative-thinking students lack specific skills that translate to the career world. While we believe the value of a liberal arts education is…

Issue: April 2010 • Tags:

Antarctica Voyage: A Unique, Intellectual Adventure!

Eighteen CC alumni, spouses, and family members participated in a journey to Antarctica led by CC Geology Professor Christine Siddoway, who has been conducting geological research in Antarctica for more than 20 years. The CC contingent met in Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, and on December 31 boarded the Corinthian II, which served as their…

Issue: April 2010 • Tags:

Achieving Our Vision Campaign: Where We Stand

The Year of the Tiger has arrived. As we said goodbye to one of the most challenging years in memory, we look forward to seeing what 2010 has in store, both personally and for Colorado College. The Vision for Colorado College remains strong, and the passion of alumni, parents, and friends of the college remains…

Issue: April 2010 • Tags:

Meet Sue Woolsey: Chair of the Board of Trustees

Read Suzanne Haley Woolsey’s resume and be impressed: Stanford and Harvard degrees in psychology and social relations and high-powered positions in the public, private, and government sectors. But meet Sue Woolsey P’97, P’98, P’00, who jokes that she can’t keep a job, and be impressed by her down-to-earth personality, intent gaze, and warm smile. She…

Issue: April 2010 • Tags:

Documentary Pays Tribute to Professor Fred Sondermann

Fred Sondermann is a legendary name at Colorado College. He taught political science at CC from 1953 until his death in 1978. Those on campus during that time were fortunate to have known him; those who came later were aware of his lasting influence. Both those who knew him and those who didn’t now have…

Issue: April 2010 • Tags:

Other Sustainability News

Learn about the great news on the sustainability front at CC, including a special certification for the Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center, the aCClimate 14 conservation campaign, a car sharing program, and accolades for CC green efforts.

Issue: November 2009 • Tags:

President Celeste Signs Climate Commitment

In the fight to cut greenhouse gas emissions and achieve carbon neutrality on college campuses, college presidents are signing the Presidents Climate Commitment. Learn about what CC is doing, as a signatory to the PCC, to become carbon neutral.

Issue: November 2009 • Tags:

The Bemis Family: A Deep-Rooted Legacy

Colorado College would be a different place were it not for its significant and storied relationship with the Bemis family, whose roots at the college reach from present day back to the late 1800s. Learn more about the history of the Bemises at CC.

Issue: November 2009 • Tags: