The Charlie Blumenstein Stewardship Assistant position is a summer water and wildlife conservation internship. In partnership with The Nature Conservancy of Colorado, Colorado College has the privilege of providing one intern per summer the opportunity to experience conservation first hand at Carpenter Ranch in Hayden, CO (near Steamboat, CO).
We are excited to say that the 2021 internship will be hosted in person with minimal impacts due to current pandemic policies and restrictions. This position is paid and provides housing on-site.
This experience offers opportunities to engage with visitors; work alongside ranch managers in maintaining the property, and gain a better understanding of how Carpenter Ranch supports researchers, Colorado water rights, and much more.
Applications for the Summer 2021 internship must be submitted through the TNC Careers Portal. The full job description can be reviewed there as well. You will need to make an account and submit all necessary documents through the portal to be considered.
Feel free to contact Andrea Culp, with any questions about your application or this experience. More detail can also be found on the Charlie Blumenstein Internship page of the Career Center website.
Charlie Blumenstein graduated from Colorado College in 1996 with a major in biology. He was passionate about the environment and conservation of water resources. Charlie credited his informal, out-of-classroom, extra-curricular, field experiences with his decision to become a hydrogeologist and to devote his professional life to the improvement of our water resources. After Charlie’s death in May 2003, his family and friends established a fund in his memory to recognize his passion and commitment to conservation and the outdoors through this internship.