“How I stumbled into my dream career”

Reposted from CareerBuilder – By Matthew Tarpey | September 15, 2017 Some people have known since they were young what wanted to do for work. Others took a less-direct route to get to their dream career path. And while there’s no single path to ultimate job satisfaction, knowing how others have pulled it off can…

Spotlight on Half Block: Building Your Freelance Writing Business

Welcome to our Spotlight on Half Block series! Each week leading up to Dynamic Half Block in January, we’re featuring one of 2018’s non-credit offerings here on our blog. Registration for all non-credit offerings is now open on Summit. Spotlight on Building Your Freelance Writing Business: The Missing Manual for Entrepreneurial Writing Success What’s this class about? This half block course is a nine-day…

SuCCess Stories: Meet Anna McCreedy ‘13!

This post is part of the Career Center’s bi-weekly roundup of alumni success stories. Check out  Anna’s story below, and find more SuCCess Stories here! 8 Questions with Anna McCreedy ‘13 Major: International Political Economy Grad Year: 2013 Current Job Title, Organization: Intern at Berkeley International Office (BIO) What did you do after graduation? AM: I…

Save the dates: PIFP Info Sessions 12/7 and 12/12

Interested in applying to PIFP, a program that offers CC students (and CC students only) the opportunity to apply for paid fellowships at Colorado nonprofits? Save the date for the Block 4 information sessions: December 7th at 12:15pm or December 12th at 4pm. Both info sessions will be offered in the WES Room in downstairs Worner.…

11/2 What do I like?

This is the second session in a series and we will focus on self-awareness! There is a little work that needs to be done prior to arrival, so be sure to RSVP before Nov. 2 to fully participate, but there is no need to have been to session one. Join us Nov. 2, 4pm, in…

Deadline 11/15: 2018 Summer Analyst position at Industria

Industria Partners LLC (“Industria”) is a growing M&A and strategic advisory firm based in Denver. Its investment banking services encompass sell-side and buy-side merger and acquisitions, merchant banking, and restructuring transactions, focusing exclusively on energy and industrial companies throughout the U.S. The Opportunity – Summer Analyst, Summer 2018 Industria is seeking Summer Analysts whose primary role…

Google BOLD Internship Program

Be bold. A unique undergraduate internship experience to Build Opportunities for Leadership & Development (BOLD). BOLD interns join teams across Sales, Marketing, People Operations and many others to identify challenges, collaborate on building solutions, and drive meaningful change for clients and users – all while developing skills and building careers. Find out more here.

Peace Corps logo

Peace Corps deadline – 12/1 – Apply now!

Thinking about Peace Corps service?  Volunteers serve in education, health, community economic development, environment, youth development, and agriculture.  You can apply to one position, or submit an application to serve where most needed.  To see upcoming openings, visit www.peacecorps.gov/openings. We are currently accepting applications for July – September 2018 departures.  The application deadline is January…

Cover Letter Tips for Creative Careers

by Capitol Standard | October 23, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Good advice– on anything these days– is hard to find. But in no area is it so woefully inadequate as cover letters for creative professionals looking to thrive in creative careers. What’s so wrong with cover letter advice for creatives? In general, it is a call to mediocrity. And…

10 Common Resume Writing Mistakes to Avoid

by Matt Krumrie, Director of Content Management Re-posted from Power Network A meticulously-crafted resume will open doors to job interviews, while a quickly thrown together document filled with blunders can sink those chances. “Despite all the warnings from employers, recruiters, and countless career experts, some job seekers still don’t think strategically, or type carefully, when writing…

10/26 What am I doing with my life?

This is the first session in a series focused on YOU! We will increase self-awareness, and focus on ways to move forward in your career journey.  To get started, join us Oct. 26, 4pm, in the Career Center Classroom. RSVP to careercenter@coloradocollege.edu to reserve your spot in each session. Future sessions in the Exploration Series include:…

Visiting Writers Series in Block 3

The Visiting Writers Series sponsored by the Colorado College English Department with the support of the MacLean Visiting Writers Endowment offers many great opportunities to learn from and and engage with a variety of writers throughout the year.  All events free and open to the public. For more information, call (719) 389-6853. Look for the most…

Paid summer education journalists, Chalkbeat

Chalkbeat, the nonprofit education news organization, is seeking motivated students to serve as summer reporting interns. Our reporting teams cover schools in Denver, Detroit, Indianapolis, Memphis, and New York City, as well as a national bureau covering education issues affecting schools across the country. The 10-week paid internship from June-August 2018 will offer student journalists…

10/25: Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Information Session

Wednesday, October 25th – 12:15pm – Career Center The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is internationally known for its excellence. Founded in 1900, the school offers master’s degrees and doctoral programs and serves as a locus for research into local, regional and global environmental issues. Students here establish close relationships with faculty mentors, work in well-equipped laboratories…

Spotlight on Half Block: Digital Tools for the Liberal Arts

Welcome to our Spotlight on Half Block series! Each week leading up to Dynamic Half Block in January, we’re featuring one of 2018’s non-credit offerings here on our blog. Registration for all non-credit offerings is now open on Summit. Spotlight on Digital Tools for the Liberal Arts What’s this class about? If you’re thinking about writing a thesis that has a digital component,…

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Graduate School Exploration Fellowship (GSEF)

The Graduate School Exploration Fellowship (GSEF) funds fellowships that will provide approximately 280 students at ACM colleges with a robust set of mentoring, career development, and experiential research opportunities beginning in the fall of their junior year. What Does the GSEF Program Include? On-campus structured mentoring opportunities with faculty and staff at the students’ home institutions during…

2018 Research Assistant with Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

The Research Department and the Supervision Regulation and Credit Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston are seeking exceptional college graduates who are prepared to take an active role in high-quality economic research and monetary policymaking. The Research Department provides current economic analysis and policy advice to Federal Reserve decision makers and conducts innovative…

2017 Research Assistant – Macro Finance with Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston has an immediate opening for a research assistant in our Research Department. The Research Department provides current economic analysis and policy advice to Federal Reserve decision makers and conducts innovative research with the aim of improving our understanding of the U.S. and global economies and encouraging better policy outcomes.…

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Operations Assistant/Team Player at Fluid Market

Fluid is looking for an awesome Operations Associate/Team Player! This person would help with everyday operations of the company and will become a go-to person for the team. This role is an entry-level position. Main Points of Focus for this Role- * Helping with Operations * Helping the team with research, user acquisition, and office tasks…

11/17 Deadline: Major League Baseball Diversity Fellowship Program

The Fellowship is designed to attract, recruit and retain people of color and women interested in careers in baseball particularly in front office and baseball operations roles. Please continue to share this tremendous career opportunity with your administration, academic departments, career centers, current students and alumni. The MLB Diversity Fellowship Program is open to upcoming…

2018 Summer Internships with Creative Artists Agency (CAA)

CAA, the world’s leading full-service entertainment and sports agency with offices around the globe, now has summer 2018 internships posted. CAA represents many of the most successful professionals working in film, television, music, theatre, video games, sports, and digital content, and provides a range of strategic marketing and consulting services to corporate clients. Here are…