Advocacy for K-12 Latin

Influence and Information Campaigns

CCA’s leaders are happy to support new Latin and Classics programs in Colorado schools with a letter to the principal and/or other relevant parties describing the educational value of Latin, Greek and Classics more broadly. Please contact the officers using our contact form with a description of your situation if you feel that such support could be helpful tin your school.

Video Tools – A Guide for Users

The Colorado Classics Association is proud to offer two sets of videos as advocacy and outreach tools for educators, students, parents, and friends of Latin. Both sets center on student perspectives about the language and are meant to spread accurate and positive messages about the benefits of studying it. They differ perhaps in how you might use them. 

The first set are Shorts (six, each <60 seconds in length), and the second is a Compilation (<6 minutes). The Compilation includes all the footage in the Shorts (some in expanded form), with additional clips which enrich the messaging. While you may use either set when and as you wish, they are designed for use as part of your campaign to reach prospective students during enrollment season and/or to help as you advocate for staffing a Latin program in your school. The more shares, likes, and subscribers that come to these videos, the greater the effect of our promotion of Latin!

The Shorts

The six short videos are ideal for broadcast via social media posts by any and all friends of Latin. They may also be shown to students in class or Latin club meetings, with encouragement to students to share videos with peers, friends, and family. They are a potential tool for them to start a conversation about what Latin means in their lives. When so desired, the videos may be linked on the educator’s website. When the option exists, educators can ask school leadership to link them in posts promoting Latin as a distinctive hallmark of the school on its social media feed. For sharing on social media, we suggest using hashtags such as those below to help viewers find the full set of Shorts.

The Shorts are embedded at the bottom of this page, but for ease of sharing, here are links to them:

Find Something New In Latin

Find Lifelong Connection in Latin

Find Your People In Latin

Find Your Superpowers in Latin

Find Yourself in Latin

Find New Pathways in Latin

(They are also available in the Take Latin – You Belong Here playlist)

Here are some suggested hashtags when sharing on social media:
#ColoradoLatin #TakeLatin #YouBelongInLatin #LatinNotDeadYet #WhyLatin #Latin #K12Latin #FindSomethingNewInLatin #FindLifelongConnectionInLatin #FindYourPeopleInLatin #FindYourSuperpowersInLatin #FindYourselfInLatin #FindNewPathwaysInLatin

The Compilation

The Compilation is ideally used as targeted messaging in situations where the educator (or friend of Latin) has an audience ready to take in the full message. Such situations include: showing during informational meetings held for parents and students new to your school; focused communications to parents, administrators, school or district board members, and other educators (counselors, colleagues in other departments, staff at feeder schools) who may influence younger students as they select a language. Of course you may also use it via the broadcast methods suggested for the Shorts and using the same hashtags offered above.

Here is the link to the Compilation, followed by the embedded video:

You Belong in Latin

Here are the embedded Shorts:

CCA would very much like to have your feedback on these videos and your suggestions for adding more resources to our promotional toolbox. You are warmly invited to offer either by attending our next meeting or using our contact form.