Our project was recently featured in Colorado College’s Blog, Around the Block. Read the full article here.
Transects in the Rain – BLOGIS
After a mid-week hiatus from our field work, we got back at it again today. Our goal was to finish the last couple transects upstream of the Uintah bridge. We did complete our goal by the end of the day, however it did not occur without a hurdle. Near...
Meeting With City Officials – BLOGIS
At noon on this day, we took the time away from our normal work patterns to visit the City of Colorado Springs offices downtown and speak with Timothy Biolchini, the Stormwater Projects Coordinator. He was very helpful in providing us essential stormwater drainage pipe data and information about current...
Meeting with Casco and Botanical Survey – BLOGIS
We spent the morning in the field with one of our advisers, Cyndy Hines. We took a bit of a botanical tour of our reach along the creek. We focused on identifying the primary species and the different microenvironments that exist in the area. We found a surprising amount...
Creek Boys and Sweet Toys – BLOGIS
Survey work continues on the Colorado College stretch of Monument Creek. We have completed 10 transects so far which marks the halfway point of our baseline recording. Overnight rainfall in the Pikes Peak region caused the creek to swell a bit, giving us our first glance of the corridor...
Learning the Equipment – BLOGIS
In the morning, the team ventured upstream of the worksite to practice manually measuring flow velocity profiles with velocity meters and measuring the profile of the bed surface using measuring tapes and meter sticks. Doing so was necessary for us to get used to the process of collecting data...
Laying the Groundwork – BLOGIS
Starting on this day and going into the following week, it is my objective to learn the basics of arcMap, which is the program we will be using for all geospatial analyses of the Monument Creek stretch adjacent to the Colorado College campus. Meanwhile, Dave was primarily tasked with...