Here’s a #tuttreno tip to use this summer: Library construction work ceases around 3:30 p.m. daily, so a quieter time to visit the library is between 3:30-5 p.m. If you’re near the construction site, watch your footing and mind the signage and fencing. 

Remember, during the summer, parking in any college lot is free and available without a permit. Parking in the Tutt Library C-1 lot, Nevada E-1 lot, and Armstrong C-2 lots will be limited.

Drop-off and pick-up for CC’s Summer Gifted and Talented and Whiz Bang Science programs will be staged in the Armstrong (C-2) parking lot. Expect parking disruptions before noon while these programs are in session.

Construction Updates
Notice the drilling and piles of dirt on Armstrong Quad? Crews are drilling 80 holes, 400 feet deep, about 5.5 inches wide, working on the new building’s geothermal heating and cooling system. It’s a project that’ll be going on all summer.

Library materials are in the process of moving to the Creekside facility, with a complete move planned by the end of July.

Demolition has begun in the mechanical room of Tutt Library North and contractors are working inside the tunnels on plumbing.

A renovation of Tutt Library South is in progress and is targeted for completion early in Block A. This space will house the Help Desk, the Computer and Advanced Technologies (CAT) Lab, Circulation Desk, Special Collections, and study space.

Library Updates
All library materials may be requested through the online request system and can be picked up at the Circulation Desk in Tutt Library North.

A new entrance to Tutt Library South from the east is under construction and scheduled to open for Block A, Wednesday, June 1. Until then, please enter the library through the main entrance on the west side of the building, off of Cascade Avenue.

The CAT Lab has reopened in a new location in the south basement of Tutt Library, TLC2 or room 056.

The Help Desk remains in the basement of Tutt Library North, for now.

Send your questions, stories, and tips to and visit the library renovation page for additional information.