Monthly Archives: March 2017

Submit a Proposal for a Community Engagement Mini-Grants!

Submit a Proposal for a Community Engagement Mini-Grants!

Apply for a Community Engagement Mini-Grant to support engaged projects this summer or next fall!  Supported by the William P. Dean Memorial Fund, these grants promote initiatives and projects that collaborate with a community nonprofit partner to address the needs of marginalized populations in Colorado Springs or student’s home communities.  The maximum award is $750, which can be spent over the course of one year from the date of the award.  For more information and to apply, click here

Applications due 4th Monday (April 17th) at noon.

Interested in taking a summer course?

Summer Session at CC provides students an opportunity to continue their studies during the summer when campus is relaxed and at an easier pace. We’d like to highlight some courses that would be of interest to students involved with the CCE! These courses include:

Informations on these courses can be found by clicking on the class name above. Many of these classes fulfill the Critical Perspectives requirement! For information on summer session, click here. Be sure to check out how to use your wild card (1 summer block of free tuition!).

“Perfect Your Pitch” Skills Training

Join the “Perfect Your Pitch” Skills Training workshop April 4th at 3pm in the Hastings Conference Room (3rd floor of the Spencer Center).

Many times throughout your college and professional career, you’ll be asked to, “Tell me about yourself.” Whether in a job interview, a networking event, or even in a chance encounter, it’s important to have your personal pitch down. In this interactive workshop, we’ll learn the important components of a personal pitch, and start developing and practicing our own.

This workshop counts as a Skills Training for the Community Engaged Scholars program. All students are welcome. Go here to register!

Applications open to join the CCE Student Advisory Board!

Apply to serve on the CCE Advisory Board!

Want to help shape the direction of community engagement programming and initiatives on campus?  The CCE is now accepting applications for the CCE Student Advisory Board for the 2017-2018 academic year.  Members of the Student Advisory Board give student voice to the programs and initiatives of the CCE, serve as liaisons between students and staff, and act as ambassadors of the office.  Members work with CCE staff as collaborators and co-creators of programs, providing meaningful student input in issues of community engagement.  For more information and to apply, click hereApplications due 3rd Monday (April 10th) at noon.

Nominate someone for a Community Engagement Recognition Award!

The Collaborative for Community Engagement will be acknowledging the special work of five individuals and a community partner with the awards below. Award recipients will be honored at a ceremony that celebrates both exceptional work and the ongoing community-engaged initiatives of the campus community. Refreshments will be provided.

All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to submit a nominations. Individuals may be nominated for multiple awards, but only one award is possible per submission, and self-nominations will not be considered. The deadline for submitting nominations is April 11.

Awards include: Exemplary Achievement in Community-Engaged Teaching, Outstanding Community Partner Award, Outstanding Engagement with K-12 Youth, Exceptional Promise in Social Justice Award, Award for Outstanding Community Service, and Anabel and Jerry McHugh Director’s Award.

To make a nomination, click here.

Welcome to the CCE’s News and Events Blog!

In an effort to provide more timely and accessible information, we have decided that this format will work better than our previous newsletter, “The Difference.”  Past issues of that publication can be found via the link in the header.  We are also providing links for anyone interested in being a guest contributor, suggestions for future content, or for any questions about information presented, what our office does, or how you can get involved.  We hope that you find the information shared here to be enjoyable and enlightening!