Cultural Anthropology and Hispanic Folk Art of the Southwest: Week 2

Being a first-year here at CC, one of the most commonly asked questions that I hear from other first-years is “What FYE are you in?” See, for most people, that’s an easy question to answer. “Drawing,” they might reply. Or “Chem.” Maybe even “Philosophy.” But that’s not the case for my fourteen classmates and me. …

EN 283: I Love Writing Days

9:30-12 Beginning Fiction Writing 12:00 pm: meet with Kendra 1:30-2:45 pm: Cru Women’s Bible study 2:30: Pilgrimage Presentation prep 3:00 pm: Thesis Meeting 4:00 pm: Film Union meeting 7:00 pm: Visiting Writer 6 pm call 7:30 GO for BKLN dress rehearsal 10:05: hall meeting Thank goodness Friday is a writing day (aka NO CLASS).
