Farm to Function: Pre-Research Rambles

“What is it you research here?” The German guy in the backseat asked in broken English as we drove out of Frans Josef and towards Fox Glacier on the West Coast of New Zealand. His name was David (pronounced Dah-veed) and the first of many hitchhikers to ask me about my research. Initial conversation with …

On Automation. Read Me Even Though There are No Photos.

Happy St. Patty's day-week from the land with Sean Fitzpatricks o' plenty! This past week I've been thinking a lot about automation. (Excuse me while I go on a tangent, I promise to return to the topic of EyeWire soon) With the current technological boom paving the way for computers and robots to automate most back …


Ugh guys I've been horrible about taking pictures. This past weekend I went to PAX East, the massive game convention. I took some un-representative pictures while there. These are unrepresentative because they don't show that there were hundreds of tables where people were playing board/card games and at least a hundred booths for game companies …

Getting Indie

The past couple of days we have had the chance to meet some especially cool people. The first were Bruce and Gabe. Bruce is a graphic designer, he started a company called Post Typography. His interest in graphic design began in high school, where he published zines ( hand made magazines); he was scolded by …

FYErtility, Creationism, and Readbaiting Titles

In my FYE (First Year Experience course) a man named Dennis McEnnerney played professor. He did outstandingly. During some of our discussions he would claim that the small liberal arts college scene was a matchmaking business in disguise. He would claim that going to one of these colleges was a way for young, fertile, intelligent, …
