The view from the mesa was spectacular. The deep and endless blue sky inspired me. I’m still amazed by how big and bright blue the sky is out here. Looking across the plains to the horizon, I felt alive. I can’t imagine what it must be like to live up here and soak in this beauty every …
Cultural Anthropology and Southwest Folk Art- New Mexico
An educational field trip was never much more than an oxymoron to me throughout high school. I had been to historical sites on class trips to Washington DC or Boston, but socializing was more important than listening, to the majority of the class, and it was often impossible to even hear the tour guides as …
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Cultural Anthropology and Hispanic Folk Art of the Southwest: Week 2
Being a first-year here at CC, one of the most commonly asked questions that I hear from other first-years is "What FYE are you in?" See, for most people, that's an easy question to answer. "Drawing," they might reply. Or "Chem." Maybe even "Philosophy." But that's not the case for my fourteen classmates and me. …
Continue reading "Cultural Anthropology and Hispanic Folk Art of the Southwest: Week 2"
Criminalistics: Week 1
Though I’m starting to realize this about the block plan, it still astonishes me how much you can learn in a week. Coming into class Monday, my forensic knowledge had pretty much consisted of whatever tidbits I picked up from the occasional CSI or Dexter episode. So, needless to say, our first task of solving …
EN 283: I Love Writing Days
9:30-12 Beginning Fiction Writing 12:00 pm: meet with Kendra 1:30-2:45 pm: Cru Women's Bible study 2:30: Pilgrimage Presentation prep 3:00 pm: Thesis Meeting 4:00 pm: Film Union meeting 7:00 pm: Visiting Writer 6 pm call 7:30 GO for BKLN dress rehearsal 10:05: hall meeting Thank goodness Friday is a writing day (aka NO CLASS).
EN283: Photos from Week 1
EN283: Beginning Fiction Writing
I love the first day of the block. It's the day when the anticipation is still fresh and untainted, though just slightly tinged with anxiety. It's the day when the coffee is an accessory rather than a necessity. It's the day when my syllabus is pristine and spotless, and hasn't yet become a crumpled wreck. …
The Films of Alfred Hitchcock: Post 1
My first experience with Alfred Hitchcock took place - all too early, perhaps - in the proverbial springtime of my life. I must have been at most ten years old, but I still remember every frame of the famous Psycho shower scene as if I saw it yesterday. I haven't seen it since. I'm pretty sure I …