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Untold Stories: Taizo Nakashima, Class of 1893

Colorado College’s connection with Asia was built, initially, by its international students.

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags:

From the Archives

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags:

CC Receives $33.5 Million Future Gift: Largest Gift From Individual Donor in CC History

Colorado College has received a $33.5 million future estate gift from an anonymous donor, the largest gift ever from an individual in the college’s 147-year history. The unprecedented estate commitment will support future needs of the college and provide funding for the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College. “We cannot fully express how…

Issue: Spring 2021 • Tags:

Pandemic Intensifies Inequities in STEM

Associate Professor of Environmental Science Rebecca Barnes says the lack of women in the STEM workforce is not a leaky pipeline.

Issue: Summer 2021 • Tags: ,

“What’s on Your Reading List, Ibrahima Wade?”

“I am re-reading Paul Gilroy’s ‘L’Atlantique Noire,’ in French this time! In his work, ‘The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness,’ Gilroy articulates engaging and provocative postulations that could help frame current socio-cultural and political occurrences in America and in Europe. Gilroy’s book, to me, remains one of the outstanding critical approaches which seek to…

Issue: Winter 2020-21 • Tags: ,

Lighting the Fuse Box

Quarantine Collaboration Provides an Opening to Creativity, Mindfulness, and Connection The collaboration between Jane Hilberry, CC professor of Creativity and Innovation, and Colorado Springs resident Sam Stephenson began with a question. When locals began socially isolating in mid-March, Stephenson, who organizes “Converge,” a Colorado Springs lecture series designed to bring people together for author visits…

Issue: Summer 2020 • Tags:

“What’s on Your Reading List, Nadia Guessous?”

We asked Assistant Professor of Feminist and Gender Studies Nadia Guessous “What’s on Your Reading List?” I am currently reading two books that propose ways of challenging the hegemony and seeming inevitability of imperialism and war: Ariella Aisha Azoulay’s “Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism” and Ronak K. Kapadia’s “Insurgent Aesthetics: Security and the Queer Life of…

Issue: Summer 2020 • Tags: ,

What’s on Your Reading List, David Gardiner?

We asked Associate Professor of Religion David Gardiner “What’s on Your Reading List?” “I have long been interested in the overlapping domains of psychology, neuroscience, and religious studies. Michael Pollan’s latest book, ‘How to Change Your Mind,’ tells the fascinating story of research on the effects of LSD going back to the 1950s. Legal medical research was…

Issue: Spring 2020 • Tags:

Tiefenthaler’s Top 10

What is … … your favorite spot on campus? I love the fourth floor of Tutt Library. It’s a bird’s eye view of campus, and sunsets from the balcony are breathtaking. … your most embarrassing moment at CC? Earlier this year, I was handing out cookies in Tutt Library to students during fourth week. The…

Issue: Spring 2020 • Tags:

Expanding College Access with Stroud Scholars Program

Barry Sarchett, professor of English at Colorado College, says that over the last decade, he has been “personally distraught” about social inequality in higher education. “It became quite clear over the last decade or more that elite institutions of higher education — and I include CC in that category — had become, despite their own best…

Issue: Winter 2019 • Tags: