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Posts from the December 2015 issue

Sexual Assault: Prevention and Response at CC

Learn about the prevalence of sexual assault on campus and what educational efforts are underway to prevent it.

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Take Note

The Summer Collaborative Research Program is bringing more faculty and students together to work on research projects, and benefiting both in the process.

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

SCoRe Numbers

According to Associate Professor of History Jane Murphy, co-director with Associate Professor of Biology Phoebe Lostroh of what’s known as SCoRe (Summer Collaborative Research Program), 117 students engaged in undergraduate research during summer 2015, both on- and off-campus. Multiple sources of funding provide the same stipend of $4,000 to individual students for 10 weeks of…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags:

Meet the New Faculty Members

Colorado College welcomed 13 new tenure-track faculty members at the beginning of the 2015-16 academic year. Anthony Bull Associate Professor of Human Biology and Kinesiology Bull examines the effects of physical activity and energy balance on health and performance in humans.   Lynne Gratz Assistant Professor of the Environmental Program Gratz’s research focuses on the…

Issue: December 2015 • Tags: