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Issue: Winter 2020-21

Homecoming 2020 Virtual Dance Party

In true 2020 form, this year’s annual Homecoming became a home-staying. But even with canceled on-campus events, the COVID-19 global pandemic couldn’t keep CC alumni from connecting across the miles. Virtual Homecoming events organized by CC’s Office of Alumni and Family Relations allowed alumni to engage with one another in new ways over Homecoming weekend.…

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Issue: Winter 2020-21

“What’s on Your Reading List, Ibrahima Wade?”

“I am re-reading Paul Gilroy’s ‘L’Atlantique Noire,’ in French this time! In his work, ‘The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness,’ Gilroy articulates engaging and provocative postulations that could help frame current socio-cultural and political occurrences in America and in Europe. Gilroy’s book, to me, remains one of the outstanding critical approaches which seek to…

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Issue: Winter 2020-21

On the Bookshelf

This Is Chance! By Jon Mooallem ’00 On Good Friday in 1964, Anchorage, Alaska, was jolted by 
a magnitude 9.2 earthquake, the most powerful in American history. For four and a half minutes, the ground lurched and rolled. When it stopped, the city was in disarray and sealed off from the outside world. As people turned on their transistor radios, they heard Genie Chance, a part-time radio reporter and working mother, explain what had happened and what to do next. Chance played an unlikely role in the wake of the disaster, helping put her fractured community together with tireless broadcasts over the next three days. Mooallem, writer at large for New York Times Magazine, draws on thousands of pages of unpublished…

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Issue: Winter 2020-21

‘A Double Learning Curve’: One new CC professor details his experience working and teaching remotely

Teaching on the Block Plan for the first time can be challenging. But teaching on the Block Plan for the first time and doing it online is “a double learning curve.” Assistant Professor of History John Marquez started his career at Colorado College from home. During Block 1, Marquez co-taught an online junior history seminar with Assistant Professor of History Purvi Mehta. They used a combination of synchronous and asynchronous elements during the course to prepare students for their senior papers or thesis research. In addition to assigned readings, Marquez and Mehta also asked their 11 students to listen to a podcast about some of the course topics. “I’m really impressed that…

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