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A Grateful Graduate Gives Back

Going to Colorado College satisfied my need for adventure” When I was 16 in 1938, I decided to hitchhike out west. I was living in New Haven, Conn. My parents said it was all right with them but when the time to leave drew close, they withdrew their permission. So very early one morning I…

Issue: August 2014 • Tags:

Musical Madness

Battling it out for the Best Music is a huge part of student life at CC, and Battle of the Bands proves to be no exception Spring semester at Colorado College is filled with many things: 80-degree sunshine, “golf” on the quad, count-less tank tops for sale inside the Worner Center, dreams of the upcoming…

Issue: August 2014 • Tags:

Remembering Glenn Gray

Tim Fuller, professor of political science, shares his memories of the distinguished scholar

Issue: August 2014 • Tags:

Fostering a New Generation of Innovative Leaders

Nonprofit organization seeks hard-working, dedicated, intelligent, and motivated employee. College student/recent grad seeks meaningful work experience with public interest nonprofit organization. Public Interest Fellowship Program: Bring the two together to increase the capacity of nonprofit organizations, provide CC graduates with relevant job experience, and foster a new generation of nonprofit leaders. CC’s innovative Public Interest…

Issue: August 2014 • Tags:

Students Venture into the World

A total of $97,789.80 was awarded to 108 students in the 2013-14 Keller Family Venture Grant Program. The 95 projects range geographically from building furniture for CC’s Art Department and Arts & Crafts Program and studying Colorado Springs’ Red Rock Canyon Open Space to exploring tourism in Thailand, organic farms in France, teaching strategies in…

Issue: August 2014 • Tags:

Ideas Into Action

Strengthening CC’s emphasis on innovation will benefit students and the community

Issue: August 2014 • Tags:

Faces of Innovation

They come from different eras and have taken divergent paths, but these outstanding and innovative members of the CC community express similar sentiments about what they do and how they maintain their momentum toward changing the world. First and foremost, they all have passion for their life’s work and know that will keep them engaged…

Issue: August 2014 • Tags:

It’s A Place Where Problems Are Solved

“The center will be a place where problems are solved; where, if you come asking questions, a human will help you find answers.” – Anne Hyde, CC professor of history and director of the Crown Center for Faculty Development

The Center for Immersive Learning and Engaged Teaching will provide an innovative central location for the programs and services that make Colorado College unique.

Issue: April 2014 • Tags:

CC Launches New Half Block Opportunities


In January 2014, Colorado College launched a series of new and diverse experiences for Half Block, the shortened academic session between Winter Break and Block 5. It was filled with opportunities aimed at helping students explore interests, develop life skills, and enhance existing abilities. The program proved popular, with more than 332 students registering for…

Issue: April 2014 • Tags:

Faraway Shors

John Shors ’91 has traveled the world but always carries with him the CC spirit of curiosity and service to others.

Issue: April 2014 • Tags: