CC Students, chek out this great fellowship opportunity!
The 2022 Class of the Colorado Science & Engineering Policy Fellowship, co-hosted by Senator Bob Rankin and Peter Heller.
For the past four years, the Fellowship has given talented STEM students policy-making experience and a broadened understanding of the connection between STEM disciplines and lawmaking. The COVID-19 crisis has emphasized the need for individuals who understand fact-based decision-making and can take an objective approach to creating effective policy. The Fellowship offers students the opportunity to do so. Over the course of the summer, each fellow will learn about the legislative process, conduct their own research project, and ultimately pitch their own legislation.
While the students are conducting their research, they are also given access to leaders in government and industry. Past speakers include Governor Jared Polis, Former Governor Bill Ritter, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser; Congressman Joe Neguse; State Senator Dominick Moreno; House Minority Leader Hugh McKean; Will Toor, former Mayor of Boulder and Executive Director of the Colorado Energy Office; former Colorado Supreme Court Justice Gregory Hobbs; Thad Kurowski, the Senior Policy Advisor for Tesla; and Bryan Leach, CEO of Ibotta, among others. Past years’ site visits included the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the Google Boulder Campus, Lockheed Martin, Arapahoe Basin Ski Resort, and the National Wind Technology Center. While site visits stopped in 2020 because of COVID-19, we are hopeful that they may start up again in 2022.

As designed (and we are optimistic that an in-person program will be possible this summer), the Fellowship will run for seven weeks from June to August. Fellows will work directly within our offices. Similar to previous years, we are asking that universities assist us in providing funding for each student that joins the fellowship. With the generous support of several Colorado foundations and companies, we are able to offer each program slot for $4,750 per student, which will provide a $4000 stipend for each student’s living expenses and cover administration and programming expenses throughout the session.
We are also excited to announce that we are working with Metropolitan State University to offer fellows temporary, fully-furnished housing for the entire duration of the fellowship. We are ironing out details with MSU and we will be able to provide more information to those that are selected for the program. The application window is now open and will close on Friday, March 18, 2022. More information about the program and how to apply can be found on our website at: