The Summer Internship Funding Awards program allows students to apply for funds to subsidize unpaid and underpaid summer internship opportunities. It is designed to increase the ability of all CC students to participate in internships, many of which remain unpaid.
What do I need to know about them?
You can learn everything you need to know about the awards on the Career Center Funding Site (scroll down to Summer Internship Funding) including how to apply, the timeline of the awards process, and more.
What is the deadline to apply?
Funds are awarded on a rolling basis. Due to limited funds, you are strongly encouraged to apply as early as you possibly can. You do not have to have secured an internship to apply for an award, so you should feel free to apply as close to the application open date as possible.
Can I prepare my application ahead of time?
Yes! Read through the Frequently Asked Questions to see what kind of information you’ll need in order to apply for funding. Even if you don’t have an internship secured yet, you can prepare information about one of the internships you’re applying to, a resume, and more.
When does the application close?
The application will remain open until all funds are exhausted or May 18, whichever comes first. Applications are submitted through Summit.