The San Carlos Ranger District anticipates filling several trails positions this summer – maybe with you! These positions are temporary – appointments are limited to 1,039 hours (about 6 months, depending on available funds). Employees earn sick leave and paid vacation time, and if employed for 90 plus days, are eligible to enroll for health benefits.
Potential applicants who would like to learn more about working for the Forest Service can go to the national employment website www.fs.fed.us/fsjobs/. To learn more about the San Carlos Ranger District and the San Isabel Forest refer to the Forest website https://www.fs.usda.gov/psicc. Click on the ‘District Offices’ link, then ‘Districts’, then select ‘San Carlos Ranger District’.
Hiring Timelines for Summer Jobs
Applications will be accepted online from Nov. 5 through Nov. 12, 2021.
Employment Dates for Summer Jobs
It is anticipated these jobs will start in May 2022 and finish by the end of September. People hired will be expected to work 40 hours per week through the season. Crew schedules can usually accommodate students returning to school in August.
San Carlos Ranger District Employee Housing
The San Carlos Ranger District may have bunkhouse space available for summer employees for positions duty stationed at Lake Isabel. Cost is approximately $10.00 per day.
Please feel free to contact Forest Service OHV program manager Jeffer Wingate at jeffrey.wingate@usda.gov or (719) 742-3681, or Recreation Staff Officer Ryan Sloan at ryan.sloan@udsda.gov or (719) 269-8702 with any questions.