How to Find a Job Out of College with No Experience

by Natalie Fisher | June 07, 2017
Re-posted from Vault

You’re about to launch into the real world for the first time after college or university. You’ve got a good educational background under your belt, but the problem is you’ve got zero hands-on experience. Even though you know you’re smart, and you’ve done well in the world of academia, you know you’ll learn fast because you’re enthusiastic and fully capable, you’re still feeling under-qualified for anything better than entry-level positions because of (there’s that word again) experience. Maybe you’ve even given up on finding your dream job after graduating college and have resigned to take the first position that’s offered to you.

You don’t want to settle for less, or worse–get stuck in a place for so long you stagnate and become complacent. Your fears around this are very real, and you’re not sure how to guarantee this won’t happen to you. You feel like your options are very limited. You realize that the time you spent in college didn’t teach you much about actually finding your dream job. You want a solid game plan for kicking butt out there, regardless of your experience.

Does this sound like anyone you know? Or just don’t want to be in this spot yourself? READ MORE

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