Network Like a Pro

May 25, 2018 Re-posted from Some people love networking; it’s a great opportunity to meet all sorts of people and pick their brains about different companies or industries. Other people hate it; it may feel awkward introducing yourself to people and asking them to help you advance (or start) your career. Whether you fall into…

3 Soft Skills You Need to Stand Out in an Interview

by Natalie Fisher | May 25, 2018 Re-posted from Vault One of the biggest mistakes interviewees make in interviews is believing they need to be polished, professional, and perfect all the time. Instead, what they need is to exhibit a few specific “soft skills.” And so, [READ MORE and] you’ll find these soft skills, along with examples…

That’s all for #HIRED and #GRADSCHOOLBOUND 2018!

It’s finally that time – we’ve concluded #HIRED and #GRADSCHOOLBOUND 2018. We hope you enjoyed the campaign, celebrated your friends, and maybe even got some good advice along the way. Huge congratulations to everyone, featured here or not, with amazing plans for the summer and beyond! If you have summer or post-grad plans you’d like…

5 Things to Consider Before You Go Freelance

by Marianne Stenger | May 22, 2018 Re-posted from Vault Freelancing is more popular than ever, and in this so-called gig economy, between 20 and 30 percent of the working age population in Europe and the U.S. already engage in some form of independent work. This number is expected to rise significantly in the coming…

6 Things to Research About a Company Before an Interview

by Lisa Rangel | May 15, 2018 Re-posted from Vault Researching the company you’re interviewing with is a must, and almost all job candidates do it to some degree. However, many candidates don’t research thoroughly enough or research the right things. So, below are the most important things to research about a company before an interview, which…

#HIRED: Nick Merritt ’19

Nick is a junior astrophysics major and computer science minor. This summer, he’ll complete an REU (research experience for undergrads) at Cornell University. His job this summer will involve analyzing data collected by the Cassini spacecraft on the atmosphere of Saturn and its moons and on Saturn’s rings. I am excited about this opportunity because…

Graduating Without a Job? Don’t Panic

by Phil Stott | May 09, 2018 Re-posted by Vault With graduation season around the corner, many soon-to-be grads are finding themselves confronting “the real world” that their parents, TV shows and random strangers have always warned them about. And, if they’re anything like I was at that age, many of them are entering that phase of…

#HIRED: Sophia Quick ‘20

This summer, Sophia will be working for Ball Corporation as a Project Delivery Services Intern in Broomfield, Colorado. She will be working with the business side of food packaging.   “I’m really excited to gain some work experience. I’ve had jobs working in kitchens at restaurants and I have coached hockey camps over the summers.…

#HIRED: John Higham ‘18

After graduating, John will move to San Francisco to begin his position as a Research Analyst in the Regulation and Energy Markets division at the Brattle Group. I’m excited about this opportunity to build my technical skills in economics and data analytics as well as to learn more about our energy systems and the decisions…

#HIRED: Lili Uchida ‘20

This summer, Lili will stay right here in Colorado Springs as a research assistant for Dr. Bob Jacob in the Neuroscience department. “I am excited about the opportunity to conduct research on the brain tissue of people who have lived with and without chronic traumatic encephalopathy, because traumatic brain injury is one of my favorite…

#HIRED: Eric Houska ’18

After graduating, Eric will head to Denver to begin work as a Global Asset & Wealth Management Analyst for J.P. Morgan. I’m looking forward to furthering my education and experience within a variety of asset classes and developing different investment strategies for clients. My advice: Always make sure to reach out to friends, professionals, or…

#HIRED: Chaney Skilling ‘19

This summer, Skilling will be the first student to take advantage of a CC-only newsroom internship with The Denver Post. I’m hoping to learn the ropes of local l reporting, and tell people’s stories. My advice for CC students seeking employment: talk to people who share your interests not necessarily with the purpose of getting…

#HIRED: Kyla Jarka ‘18

After graduating, Kyla will head to Chicago to begin work as a Software Developer for McMaster-Carr. “I am excited to learn the in’s and out’s of software development as applied to a specific company, as well as to get the chance to live in and explore Chicago. My advice for CC students looking for job/internships…

#HIRED: Onyx Bengston ‘18

After graduation, Onyx will begin work at the PNC Financial Services headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She will be an analyst for PNC’s Asset Management Group Development Program in Institutional Asset Management. “I am excited to move to Pittsburgh for this 3 ½ year rotational opportunity to identify where on the institutional team is a great…

#HIRED: Palesa Mokoena ‘19

Palesa will spend this summer in New York City, where she’s accepted an internship at Discovery Communications as a Global IT Support Services intern. “I am excited to gain hands-on experience in one of Discovery’s innovative departments and acquire skills that will help me succeed later in my career. My advice for those looking for…