How to Find a Job Out of College with No Experience

by Natalie Fisher | June 07, 2017 Re-posted from Vault You’re about to launch into the real world for the first time after college or university. You’ve got a good educational background under your belt, but the problem is you’ve got zero hands-on experience. Even though you know you’re smart, and you’ve done well in…

How to Solve Market Sizing Questions: Consulting Interview Skills

We’ve saved the best for last in this 3-part guide to doing mental math in interviews: the vaunted market sizing question. (Part 1 was on basic tips and frameworks, and part 2 was on calculating growth rates). While every consulting recruiting process is a little different, market sizing questions are one of the incontrovertible truths—they…

The Case of the Disposable Diaper Market

Answering case questions can be one of the most challenging aspects of interviewing for a job in consulting. We want to provide you with some practice materials to ensure that you’re well-prepared on interview day! See below for the Case Challenge of the Week. Can you work it out? Answer provided next week. Question/Challenge: Estimate…

8 Tips for Rocking Your First Day at a New Job

Re-posted from The Muse From figuring out what to wear to remembering where your new cube is, all while trying to learn the ropes and make a good first impression on your new boss and co-workers, your first day at a new job can be absolutely terrifying. Want to make sure you start things off…

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5 Ways to Calm Your Interview Nerves

by Peter Yang | May 24, 2017 Re-posted from Vault You can’t seem to help it: every time you go into an interview it feels like you’re venturing into a lion’s den. Your body stiffens and your palms begin to sweat. You tell yourself to take a deep breath, but every time your lungs take…

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7 Ways to Maximize Your Internship

by Caroline Schmidt | May 23, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Getting an internship is the easy part; now it’s about proving why you deserve to be there. An internship is the ultimate sink or swim opportunity. Nestled neatly between study and a career, it involves applying the knowledge and skills you learned through a TAFE…

How to Prepare for a Skype Interview

May 17, 2017 Re-posted from Jobipedia If you have interviewed for a job recently, you may have been asked to do a Skype interview at some point. Video interviews are becoming more common, especially for companies interviewing candidates that live in a different state. Learn more about these tips… Practice Before the Interview Choose Your…

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5 Ways to Show Leadership Skills on Your Resume

by Lisa Rangel | May 16, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Today, companies know that soft skills are just as important as hard skills when it comes to improving the bottom line. And maybe the most important soft skill of all is leadership ability. However, leadership is something many people don’t know how to effectively market…

That’s All For This Year’s #HIRED!

This concludes this year’s CC #HIRED project. We hope you enjoyed it and maybe got some good advice along the way. Huge congrats to everyone, featured here or not, that have awesome summer plans. If you have summer or post-grad plans you’d like to share with us, please contact us at 719.389.6893 or at…

The Dos and Don’ts of Crafting a Creative Résumé

by Marianne Stenger | May 11, 2017 Re-posted from Vault Although in most industries it’s safe to stick to a traditional résumé format, those in creative industries like graphic design, fashion, or film can benefit from using a more imaginative and non-traditional résumé. If you want to pull off a creative résumé successfully, here are…

#HIRED Jennifer Roca ‘18

Jennifer is headed down to Vero Beach, FL this summer to be a Summer Asset Management Group Intern—Wealth Management/Hawthorn Track at PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. I am excited about my opportunity with PNC because throughout my (many) rounds of interviews with the bank, I really grasped that they are not only worried about institutional…

Selective Liberal Arts Consortium

2017-2018 Recruiting Days Posted

Connecting students with bright futures. The Selective Liberal Arts Consortium (SLAC) is comprised of 7 highly selective colleges that connect leading employers with top-notch undergraduate candidates for entry-level positions and internships. SLAC coordinates four recruiting events each year to help students connect with employers. Scheduled recruiting days are listed below. September 28, 2017 (Video Interview…

DISCOVER UCHICAGO October 26-28th, 2017

Interested in graduate school? The University of Chicago is offering talented individuals from traditionally underrepresented groups an expenses-paid opportunity to explore graduate education in the arts and sciences and select professional fields. Join us for a weekend of workshops, informal socials, and discussions about research with world-renowned faculty and current graduate students. Get the inside…

3 Methods for Finding Hidden Jobs

by Natalie Fisher | May 09, 2017 Re-posted from Vault You’ve got about 11 tabs open in your browser window right now, and they’re for different job postings. You’re flipping back and forth, trying to decide which ones you should apply for. Some you’re not even sure you’re that excited about, but you figure it…

#HIRED Sophie Ramirez ’17

Sophie is headed up to Aurora, CO after graduation for an internship in Orthopedics research at Children’s Hospital Colorado. I am super excited to start working on clinical research and get to shadow doctors at the children’s hospital while using knowledge on applicable medical research. I would recommend anyone that’s still looking for things this…

#HIRED Naomi Randell ’18

Naomi is staying in Colorado Springs for the summer to work as a Case Management Intern at Lutheran Family Services of the Rocky Mountains. I’ve now lived in Colorado Springs for three years, and I always love the opportunity to work within the community and meet the unique people that are here. I also excited…