Burt, MA, Barnes, RT, Schanz, SA, Clinton, S and Fischer, EV, 2023. “Mentorship Builds Inclusivity and Belonging in the Geosciences ” AGU Eos, 104,

Schanz, S.A. and *Colee, A.P., 2022. Controls on earthflow formation in the Teanaway River basin, central Washington State, USA. Earth Surface Dynamics10(4), pp.761-774.

Schanz, SA, Montgomery, DR, Collins, BD. 2019. Anthropogenic strath terrace formation caused by reduced sediment retention. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (18) 8734-8739.

Collins, B.D., Dickerson-Lange, S., Schanz, SA, Harrington, S. 2019. Differentiating the effects of logging, river engineering, and hydropower dams on flooding in the Skokomish River, Washington. Geomorphology 332, 138-156.

Schanz, SA, Montgomery, DR, Collins, BD, Duvall, A.R., 2018. Multiple paths to straths: A review and reassessment of terrace genesis. Geomorphology 312, 12–23. *invited review*

Schanz, SA, Montgomery, DR, 2016. Lithologic controls on valley width and strath terrace formation. Geomorphology, 258, 58-68. Doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.01.015

Collins, B.D., Montgomery, D.R., Schanz, SA, Larsen, I.J., 2016. Rates and mechanisms of bedrock incision and strath terrace formation in a forested catchment, Cascade Range, Washington. Geological Society of America Bulletin, pp B31340-1. doi:10.1130/B31340.1


Schanz, SA, Byers, J, Carroll, R, Kent, J-H, Swope, F. 2022. “Geomorphic site assessment of Mesa Creek from 1937 to present at Sondermann Park, Colorado Springs, CO.” Colorado College Geomorphology Group. 52 pp.

CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS (*undergraduate student author, **graduate student author)

**Lin, Y-S, Yanites, BJ, and Schanz, SA., 2022 “The Dynamics of Bedrock Channel Incision and Lateral Migration under Various Rates and Patterns of Rock Uplift” American Geophysical Union Abstracts with Programs. 

Fischer, EV, Barnes, RT, Burt, MA, Clinton, S, Du, W, Estrada, M, Henderson, H, Hernandez, PR, Maldonado, N, Patterson, M, Pollack, IB, Schanz, SA, Tise, J, and Zhang, Q, 2022. “Deliberate Mentoring Strategies for the Retention of Undergraduate Women in the Earth Sciences” American Geophysical Union Abstracts with Programs. 

*Byers, John, *Carroll, Ren, *Kent, Jack-Henry, *Swope, Fiona and Schanz, Sarah. 2022.Vegetation controls on channel complexity in semi-arid urban streams: A case study of Mesa Creek, Colorado”: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 54, no. 5,

Schanz, S and *Colee, A. 2021. “Applying a new surface roughness metric to determine earthflow age, cause, and impacts on salmon habitat.” Oral presentation at the 2021 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

*Ratcliffe, Kira. 2021. “Tracking sediment mixing and transport in an alpine creek.” Poster presentation at the 2021 SCORE Symposium, delayed to Feb 2022.

Schanz, S and Yanites, B. 2021. “Coupling glacial and fluvial erosion models to simulate sediment dynamics.” Poster presentation at the virtual 2021 Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS) Annual Meeting

Schanz, S and Yanites, B. 2020. “Can a glacially-derived alluvial cover effect reconcile increased terrestrial erosion rates and steady marine sedimentation rates in the late Cenozoic?” Poster presentation at the virtual 2020 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.

*Shaw, Spencer, 2020. “Upstream geomorphic effects of dam emplacement, West Elk Creek, Gunnison, CO.” Poster presentation at the virtual 2020 SCORE Symposium.

*Colee, Peyton, 2020. “Mapping and dating landslides in the North Fork Teanaway River Valley, WA.”

*Gibson, K, Schanz, S, Yanites, B. 2019. “Calculated channel head location as a function of elevation model resolution.” Poster presentation at the 2019 Geological Soceity of America Annual Meeting

Schanz, SA, Yanites, BJ. 2019. “Preservation of glacial features in river valleys: the role of grain size and rock uplift.” Oral presentation at the 2019 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting
