
Welcome to the page for CC Geomorphology! We are a lab group that investigates erosional processes around Colorado and the US West, with an emphasis on how landscapes respond to perturbations. We are led by Dr Sarah Schanz, assistant professor of geology at Colorado College (so if this website uses ‘I’, you can blame her).

Our group started in 2019, and so far we have projects on: river response to landslide dams; stream channel initiation; upstream impact of reservoirs on sedimentation; landslide-driven changes to sediment supply; competition of glacial and fluvial erosion; bedrock meander bend development feedbacks; and development of hazards associated with supraglacial lakes. That’s a very varied list – pretty much if you have a research idea in geomorphology, Sarah will be eager to help you tackle it!

To study these varied topics, we employ a suite of methods from field-based GPS surveys and grain size measurements, to geochronology using radiocarbon and cosmogenic nuclides, to numerical models developed in Python, and remote sensing in Google Earth, ArcGIS, and QGIS. Chances are, if you work with us, you’ll be using multiple of these methods!

For more information on who we are, and what we do, check out our People page.

For more information on Sarah’s classes and research, check out the Teaching and Research pages.

For more information on what to do after your degree, including internships, industry jobs, and graduate school, check out the Resources for undergraduates page.


More West Elks field work!

Two more trips to the West Elks this month – first, Sarah, Trevor, and Oliver the dog revisited the landslide in the lower West Elk Creek. Sam ’21 used numerical modeling to estimate the age of this slide, but we’re hoping to corroborate that age with cosmogenic radionuclide exposure dating. With Trevor’s expertise, we collected …
