Upcoming Events and Deadlines

The following may be of interest to members of the Colorado Classics Association (CCA):

In Colorado:

CCA Teacher of the Year Award

  • Please note that nominations of a K-12 colleague are due by January 1! Complete descriptions of the award and nominating process may be found here.

Meetings, Lectures, Symposia

  • CU Boulder’s Classics Department offers its first event of the semester Friday, January 17, at 4:30 pm in Eaton Humanities 250. Classics MA candidate Julius Arnold, winner of the 2024 Mary E.V. McClanahan Essay Contest, will present his prize-winning paper Sine Spoliis: The Commemoration of the Third Macedonian War through the Porticus Octavia.”
  • The Denver Society of the Archaeological Institute of America hosts Dr. Brandon Olson of Metropolitan State University (in person and on Zoom) on Saturday, January 18, at 12:30 p.m. as he gives an update on the excavations which he co-directs at a hilltop fortress in southern Cyprus: “Pyla-Vigla in 2024: A Fortified Settlement of the Hellenistic Period.” The talk will take place at the Virginia Village Branch of the Denver Public Library. Click here for venue information and to RSVP and/or to request the Zoom link.
  • Please also see the events calendar of the CU Boulder Classics Department for information about academic talks related to ancient Greece and Rome.
  • Additionally, The Archaeological Institute of America, Boulder Society regularly gives notice of events pertaining to Classical Antiquity on its website.

Performances and Exhibits

  • The Colorado Symphony, Symphony Chorus and Colorado Children’s Chorale will be performing Orff’s Carmina Burana April 4-6 at the Boettcher Concert Hall in Denver. Consult the Symphony website for showtimes and tickets.


Awards and Fellowships

Last updated January 12, 2025. To suggest an addition, please email CCA Communication Director Pierre Habel, pdhabel@gmail.com