Baca Adventures: Chimney Rock and Major Lunar Standstill

Coming to Baca makes perfect sense for a block on Cultural Astronomy. It’s not just the wide, largely un-light-polluted sky, but something about the sense of quiet tranquillity that engulfs Crestone, a site of important spiritual convergence. There’s something befitting of this mindful environment, as we turn our eyes to the night sky. Considering celestial …

Real Analysis: Week 2 (and doing things with real numbers)

Since learning about some of the basic properties of the real numbers, about how they form a line that is completely continuous, we've begun to talk about what those properties allow us to do with the real numbers. When we think about and talk about math, we tend to think and talk about manipulating numbers, not …

Real Analysis: Week 1 (and one really important line)

One week ago, I didn't know what Real Analysis even was. I knew it must be important (it's a requirement for the major, after all), and that it was probably a theory based course (since we're "analyzing" how numbers work, rather than learning the methods that these workings allow). Going into the first day that …
